March 11, 2025


I have written about TEOTWAWKI from multiple perspectives, from end times Bible prophecy, to Nostradamus’ warnings of a Third World War, to a POLE SHIFT – and all seem to be due in the early 21st century.  So when world leaders start warning us about “THE END” it gets my attention.


“Even though these two warning have different reasons… it is not coincidental they are given by two of the most important world leaders and on a day every world leader was attending a meeting of some kind including the Bilderbergs.

Pope warns oil executives: Climate change may ‘destroy civilization’Pope Francis on Saturday issued a dire warning to top oil executives, saying that climate change could “destroy civilization.”  At a two-day conference at the Vatican, the pope called climate change a challenge of “epochal proportions,” according to Reuters.…vilization

Putin warns that a nuclear ‘World War III’ would end civilization.  Dredging up Cold War-era rhetoric of mutual destruction, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday that another world war could end civilization.

​”The understanding that a third world war could be the end of ​civilization ​should restrain us from taking extreme steps on the international arena that are highly dangerous for modern ​civilization,​”​ Putin said during his annual televised call-in show where he fields questions from the public.…ilization/

Something is coming, they know it…. they are certainly planning a war.”

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