March 6, 2025

I’ve been fascinated with the idea of pole shifts ever since I read a book in the mid 1990s called “When the Sky Fell.”  Years of research eventually lead me to conclude that Earth has a regular cycle of periodic pole shift catastrophes, and that we are due for the next one somewhat soon.  I suggested that many prophecies suggest this end of the world scenario in a book I wrote years ago, and in my recent book:

Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced

I review the evidence of past pole shifts in far greater detail and explain why scientific evidence confirms that our magnetic poles are already starting to shift and that a catastrophic rotational pole shift will follow soon.

One of the clearest sources of evidence of previous pole shifts comes from magnetized rocks.  The least impressive of these sources occurs at mid ocean ridges, where lava rock forms in bands of alternating polarity.


image from

“But most interesting of all are those few samples that show great variation in the magnetic field within the same sample, for that lava solidified DURING a pole shift. Lava fields at Steen’s Mountain in Oregon show north itself was moving up to six degrees per day while the lava cooled… The original papers submitted by Robert Coe and Michel Prevot in 1989 under the title “Evidence Suggesting Extremely Rapid Field Variation During a Geomagnetic Reversal” claimed at least three degrees of change per day, and that the magnetic field changes during solidification “implies astonishingly high rates of change of the geomagnetic field.”  (In later years, with additional samples analyzed, they were less cautious and admitted movement of six degrees per day.)” (Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced)

If the Magnetic North Pole moved six degrees per day, then the entire 30 degree pole shift Earth experienced last time (when the pole moved from Hudson Bay to its current position – around 12,900 years ago) could have happened in under a week – much like the six days we are told it took to create the present world in the Book of Genesis…

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