February 5, 2025

found at thepeskytruth blog here – excerpts below

By Craig Bannister | December 17, 2012 | 12:14 AM EST
“Mass violence in the U.S. is more a reflection of contempt for the sanctity of human life than of a love for gun ownership.”

“In a society that reveres human life, gun ownership isn’t a chronic problem. People who genuinely believe in the sanctity of human life won’t take another life – by gun or any other means – unless it is absolutely necessary.
Not so in a society that views human life as subjective and revocable.
In a society that condones, funds, and promotes abortion and excuses euthanasia, human life is cheap. When a woman has a right to kill an unwanted child growing inside her simply because it suits her to do so, life is robbed of its value…  Likewise, if a husband has the right and power to prevent a hospital from continuing to feed his wife, thus starving her to death a la Terry Schiavo, the message is clear: life can be extinguished by decree and desire.
Then, there’s the pervasive, gratuitous violence of today’s entertainment and video games desensitizing America’s children (and adults) to the wanton, wholesale destruction of human life.
Thus, when it comes to preventing mass violence, the answer is respect for life and self-control – not gun control.
BTW: The NRA kills 0 people a day & receives $0 from the taxpayers each year. Planned Parenthood kills 887 babies a day or 1 every 90 seconds & gets over $500 million from the taxpayers each year.  Our culture has its priorities all wrong.”


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