February 23, 2025

Should Everyone Have the Right to Vote?  Obviously not – many people are utterly unqualified.  I would love to see questions asked at the voting booth – basic ones – that would rule out voting by idiots with no clue what they’re doing.  But without my sudden rise to the position of all-powerful dictator, (in which case, would there still be a democracy to vote in anyway?) it seems unlikely that my voting questions will determine eligibility anytime soon.

What about convicted felons – should they lose the right to vote?  What about welfare recipients – should they be able to vote for more welfare for themselves?  The idea that not everyone should get to vote is hardly a new one.  It wasn’t that far back that women were not considered for voting.  A little farther back and blacks didn’t get to vote.  Going back to ancient Greece, if you didn’t own land, they didn’t feel you had earned a stake in society – no vote for you.  Socrates explained why a democracy was only as good as its education system; if the voters were ignorant, their voting would be a disaster.  (It’s like he could see the future in America!)





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