March 12, 2025

FWIW, Nostradamus warned in his prophecies that France and the rest of Europe would allow an Islamic invasion in the early 21st century, leading to WWIII.  If interested, read: Nostradamus And The Islamic Invasion Of Europe

I almost titled this blog post: “Paul Joseph Watson Points Out How Germany is Brainwashed Into Submission” because of the video I put at the bottom.  But the first video at the top is even more important.


When Germany’s “right wingers” have to point out “It’s OK to be German” amidst a climate of liberal multiculturalism determined to destroy Europe and impose a global NWO on its ashes – you know things have gone way too far.  I know, Nazis were very bad in WWII, and Germans were shamed into acknowledging their nation’s crimes.  Rightly so.  But must the imposed self-loathing go all the way to national suicide?


Some comments on the PJW video below include:

“a few hundred years ago, people like merkel would have bin beaten to death and then ripped to pieces by the people, so that traitor is lucky that she lives in these times.

Germany is not a sovereign country, it is occupied territory. That’s why they are guinea pigs for the global elite. First they were taught to self-hate so they can undergo extortion. Is this reversible?

1. Get everyone on social programs.
2. Flood those programs with people who cannot contribute or will not assimilate.
3. When the systems come crashing down rebuild with a globalist infrastructure.
Importing Muslims from shitholes is step 2.


Merkel is a liar and traitor!


Germany needs to change before it becomes the next Sweden

Merkel the Bolshevik did her job well. Germany is done.

It frustrates me so much to see Europe fall to Islam and not being able to do anything about it.


I Live in Germany and to watch certain YT videos, I go on foreign channels because in my country, this vid is no more available. Many FB posts are deleted and people who post critical things even go the risk to be imprisoned. It reminds me of STASI practise.

The German leaders are traitors.

The govt’s of Europe have turned on their own people…..sad as hell

This is an invasion.”

(FWIW, Nostradamus warned in his prophecies that France and the rest of Europe would allow an Islamic invasion in the early 21st century, leading to WWIII.  Read: Nostradamus And The Islamic Invasion Of Europe


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