March 12, 2025


It turns out blasting ourselves with radiation might not be healthy.

From the article: 9th Grade Students Gain the Attention of Scientists After Their Experiment Reveals a Dark Truth About WiFi

We have long encouraged students to find ways to connect with their school work, making it interesting and personal, holding their attention longer and allowing them to see more success.

This was the case at a school in northern Jutland, where a group of 9th-grade students recently embarked on a biology experiment inspired by their own personal experiences with concentrating. Lea Nielsen, one of the students, explained: “We all think we have experienced difficulty concentrating in school, if we had slept with the phone next to our head, and sometimes also experienced having difficulty sleeping.”

Curious about the shared experience, the group of girls designed an experiment to investigate the impact of wi-fi radiation on living cells. Specifically, they chose to use cress seeds. Taking 400 seeds, they separated them out across 12 different trays. Six of the trays were placed in each of 2 rooms. Both rooms were kept at the same temperature, and both sets of trays were given the same amount of water and access to sunlight throughout the experiment.

The one difference between the two rooms, creating the basis for their experiment, is that the trays in one room were placed next to two Wi-Fi routers. The Wi-Fi routers broadcast the same type of radiation that can be observed coming from our cellphones, allowing the students to recreate the impact of sleeping with your phone on your bedside table, next to your head.

The results? After 12 days it was shocking to see the difference between the two sets of trays. While the cress seeds in the first room were growing well, appearing healthy and flourishing in their environment, the same could not be said in the second room. The seeds that were placed next to the router showed no real growth at all. Some of the seeds could even be observed showing signs of mutation or dying off entirely.

The seeds from the unexposed room, and then the Wi-Fi exposed room:

3-25 4-22

Not only was the experiment received well by the girls’ school, but since the word got out they have started to receive international attention as biologists and radiation experts acknowledge the importance of their discovery.”

Some comments include:

Why did this take ninth graders to find it?  Where are the real scientists investigating this?  Quietly enjoying their hush money?  For the sake of an entire industry, these “real scientist” will determine that there is no harm, no risk, WiFi radiation offers to the user.

Keeping in mind, “real scientist” throughout Europe, and the rest of the world have already arrived at the same conclusions these kids have now learned, and have warned of the dangers of WiFi, but U.S. scientist and other bribed supporters of this dangerous technology will yet confirm…

Some Nordic countries are banning Wi-Fi in schools or have already returned to wired systems.

This is your sperm on Wi-Fi… These are your eggs on Wi-Fi…

The widespread use of certain technologies is a deliberate attempt to reduce population (some people believe)


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