March 12, 2025

I know, he has been calling it for years, but economic collapse will happen as described in this article… and when it does, a variety of end times prophecies are likely to be fulfilled, including WWIII/Armageddon.

“This year will see the onset of the Gold Standard being installed, thus kicking the King Dollar and its reign of financial terror off the stage. Resistance will be enormous, but futile. Metal will dispose of paper. Three ancient empires in China, Russia, and Persia are cooperating to bring the Eurasian Trade Zone to life, in an unstoppable process. They will usher in the Gold Standard, first in trade payments, then in bank reserves, finally in currencies. The USDollar-based hegemony must be forced to yield one step at a time. Their cooperative efforts have made headlines for the past year in numerous developments and built platforms. The year 2017 set up the global stage with notable cracks, critical psychological damage to the current regimes, and significant progress in the Belt & Road initiative, the most important economic forum and conference table in a generation. The combination of the Shanghai RMB-Oil-Gold contracts form the most important financial construct in a generation, which will bring sunset to the Petro-Dollar defacto standard. The year 2018 will see the breakdown begin, work its magic in earnest, and work to alter the entire global power structure. It can be called the Global Financial RESET or the Global Paradigm Shift. It will wait no longer.

“The magnificent crisis that is unfolding in this new year has been given a name by the Jackass as the Systemic Lehman Global Breakdown Event. Since the Lehman failure, all insolvent structures have become more insolvent, fortified with more leverage, flushed with more funny money, and been kept in place as the power center for the USGovt istelf. The Wall Street banks stole the $700 billion in TARP Funds as a launching pad for sacking Washington DC in a grand fascist display. The broken silos of financial corruption have grabbed political powers, and written US legislation. In the last ten years, nothing has been fixed, or event attempted toward remedy. Nothing has been liquidated due to deep insolvency and rot. No amplified credit or monetary spigots have been turned off or even turned down. No power control rooms have been put to pasture and removed from the corrupt helm despite their failures. No economic development in the West has even been attempted. All the broken elements have been ramped up with bloated largesse. Wreck, wash, rinse, repeat, but with greater volume and emphasis, while the propaganda blasts on. What was seen in 2008 with Lehman failure will next be seen on a systemic level, since instead of remedy, the entire system has been subjected to same abuses that led to the mortgage finance and housing bust.”


Only a few of the listed events will arrive at completion in this calendar year, since the events are very complex, like their evolved faulty structures in breakdown. However, not to be dismayed, people should expect significant progress on almost all on the list. Some have already begun. Others are hinted at ignition. Several listed events will carry into 2019, as resistance continues in deadly defense. The Jackass did not call the previous report series the Global Money War Report without reason. It was a war, and the King Dollar will be seen this year as having lost the war. It is being de-throned. The Eastern superpowers are in full bore insurrection. They no longer wish to support the corrupted bloated USDollar which is used as predatory weapon. They wish to become committed to economic development, to infra-structure buildout, to commercial linkage, and to prosperity. They no longer subscribe to the Western methods of war, dominance, debt vassals, and poverty with a narcotics chaser and sexual perversion in extortion.

China will roll out its RMB-Oil contract, supported by Russia, Iran, Saudi, in a direct challenge to the Petro-Dollar, shown its last legs.
Eurasian Trade Zone will take solid form with newfound power, led by the Belt & Road Initiative, the AIIBank, and a Gold Standard taking form.
Iran will resist the US sanctions with European support, resulting in US isolation from Europe.
Germany will break the Russian sanctions, followed by France, as it declares its sovereignty with economic vitality the over-riding objective.
Rising USTreasury yields pinprick the US Stocks, cause severe disruption within entire US financial sector.
US asset backed mortgage market blows up again, with car loan tranches at the epicenter and student loans as collateral damage.
The Amazon, FaceBook, Google, Tesla group will come under attack for hidden agendas and secretive income streams, their stocks to come under fire.
The USGovt will begin open discussions on the New Scheiss Dollar plan, amidst great confusion about its foundation.
Talk begins for re-industrialization of the United States, but it results in a stalemate due to extreme trade and federal deficits.
Sovereign Bonds for major nations in the G-20 come under pressure for default and restructure, with at least one formally defaulting to risk a chain reaction.
At least one European member nation banking system will collapse, starting with Italy, putting Spain’s banking system at high risk.
Bitcoin suffers a near catastrophic breakdown, but the Asian entries thrive after linking their structures to precious metals.
BRICS Gold Platform joins forces with Shanghai, and forces multiple gold prices posted globally.
Great controversy erupts over location of the USGovt gold reserves, with widespread accusations of its theft by Bush-Clinton-Rubin gangsters.
NATO collapses amidst calls for peaceful resolution and détente from constant war footing and broken treaties.
The tight grip of Israel on the USGovt ends in shameful exposure, but with more assassinations.
The Western Elite pedophilia, child killings, and sex slavery erupts in full news network exposure, but with more assassinations.
Silver breaks out of the suppression box before Gold, then Gold follows, with announcements of Silver’s unique strengths in new energy systems.”

If even a fraction of these events occur, the changes will be catastrophic for Americans.

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