March 12, 2025

President Trump has a very different way of handling Palestinian Arabs, Israel, and the peace process in the Middle East.  I wish luck to all involved, but the region’s history is full of warfare and end times Bible prophecies warn us to expect it to get much worse soon.  Even Nostradamus told us the threat from the Islamic world would lead to a nuclear world war in the early 21st century.  Lisa Haven interviews messianic rabbi Zev Porat and reviews the evidence that such prophecies are starting to unfold right now in this article:

“As most of you are now aware, President Donald Trump issued his support and backing of Israel by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and preparing to move the United States embassy into the city by 2019.

In response Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had this to say:

“We’re profoundly grateful for the President for his courageous and just decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to prepare for the opening of the US embassy here. This decision reflects the President’s commitment to an ancient but enduring truth, to fulfill his promises and to advancing peace. The President’s decision is an important step towards peace, for there is no peace that doesn’t include Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”


While Israel was happy over the situation, Middle Eastern countries didn’t share the joy. Everyone from China to Russia, to Iran, to the Pope, all had a little something negative to say about it.

But if truth be told, the mainstream media isn’t really talking about what is happening behind the scenes. In the video below, I [Lisa Haven] interview Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat who exposes the hidden secrets that are surrounding Israel and where we prophetically…


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