October 16, 2024

Panic buying of prepping supplies occurs every so often as the public perceives the possibility of major terrorism or WWIII.  People are worried about a preemptive attack against North Korea and how far their missiles can reach.  The general perception that society is on the edge of economic collapse and social unrest hasn’t happened yet.  But if I’m correct in my interpretation of prophecy, there isn’t much time left before that does happen…


From the article at Zerohedge.com – http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-11/we-can-barely-keep-prepper-panic-buying-begins-wwiii-fears-grip-america

“…One Army Surplus store owner reports that preparedness equipment is flying off the shelves:

“We’ve been very busy. Unusually busy, I’d say,” Orr told WWJ’s Sandra McNeill. “It’s definitely an increase, just in selling all the normal prepper stuff, end of the world stuff. A lot of water prep stuff, food, MREs — the military meals.”

And there’s been a substantial increase in the sale of a particular item they don’t sell much of — a so-called radiation antidote called potassium iodide.

“It actually stops your thyroid from absorbing any radiation. So, it fills your thyroid with iodine, which it normally does anyways,” said Orr.

Another popular request: gas masks. But most people looking for those will be out of luck.

“Gas masks are a big thing too, but we only sell them as novelty,” said Orr.

Ed Thomas, a spokesperson for TopTierGearUSA.com, which distributes high-end protective equipment for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical emergencies, says that their web site has seen a 1200% spike in orders in the last week.

We’re barely keeping up with the inflow of orders and our staff is working double shifts just to get everything shipped. People are concerned with North Korea, World War III and what President Trump might do.  I’ve never seen it at these levels.  Everything… Anti radiation pills, gas masks, body suits and respiratory filters… people are trying to get their hands on these critical supplies in case this really happens.

Our biggest concern is that our manufacturers won’t be able to keep up with demand.

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