March 21, 2025

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti comments on 1 Corinthians 1:22 “Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom” – and he says it means Gentiles – Christians – are asking questions and searching for answers while Jews are looking for astronomical signs – which are what God promised to give from the first chapter of Genesis onward.


Genesis 1:14 ““Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs.”  The gematria for the Hebrew word for sign – the numerical value of the word – is 400.  An eclipse is a very impressive sign in the sky, when our moon completely, perfectly blocks out the sun for a few minutes.  The Sun is 400 times larger than the moon, but it is 400 times farther away.  Interesting coincidence, or is an eclipse the most important sign?

Pastor Steve continues on such topics – but before his video I’ll point out that all major steps of an ancient Jewish wedding ceremony are acted out in the sky during the week of December 21-28, 2019.  The Yichud portion of the wedding ceremony gives the groom 8 minutes to give the bride the ring.  And we see a ring of fire when the solar corona is the only visible light around the edge of the moon during a total solar eclipse – which lasts a maximum of just over seven and a half minutes.

There will be a total eclipse visible from Jerusalem at sunrise on December 26, 2019.

Isaiah 13:10 says “The sun will be dark when it rises.”

I don’t think these are coincidences – I think any Christian interested in the fulfillment of end times Bible prophecy should pay great attention to these events, which I detail for many pages in End Times and 2019.

I wrote another book detailing how The United States is the Bible’s Mystery Babylon.  On August 21, 2017 – the only total solar eclipse visible in the USA in my lifetime will be perfectly visible from Oregon to South Carolina.  It starts in the morning for Oregon, but exactly at SUNSET for Jerusalem.  Are we, the United States, getting a specific sign just for us – for Mystery Babylon?

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti lives in Australia, but he thinks we Americans should pay attention.  In my last book, I suggest WWIII is imminent.


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