March 21, 2025


Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones discuss the media blackout on Muslim crime in Europe; the serial under-reporting of crimes committed in Europe by Islamic immigrants, and ask “What is the Master Plan?”  Obviously, PJW says: “The master plan is the complete collapse of Western Civilization.”  I suggest: the elite are pressuring/bribing/threatening European politicians into policies of national suicide to incite economic collapse and WWIII, from which some people will profit immensely, not just from the war itself, but from the New World Order they intend to impose afterwards.

Western “Europe has completely changed.”  (Eastern Europe either isn’t so stupid, or ignorant, or dominated by the elite intent on destroying Western Civilization.)  This Polish magazine cover shows their very legitimate concern.


Just wait for the next stage.  Nostradamus warned us this is going to get much worse – read: Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe



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