March 14, 2025


Why are Europe’s leaders purposefully committing national suicide against the wishes of their people?  Whose wishes are they serving?  Is there a financial elite conspiring to PROFIT from weakening Europe and subjecting it to a Third World War and an Islamic Invasion?

As one article begins HERE: “No European who has given much thought to the various pronouncements of their leading politicians over the past few years, and to the laws that they have actually passed, can now be in any doubt that their intention is to break down European nations so that all the peoples therein can be packed together inside one political state in order to be governed, and dominated, by one ruling elite.”

Before that happens, before the world will allow a single NWO government, we need a war – WWIII – a war so horrific that after it is finally over the survivors will agree to anything in order to prevent WW4 from ever happening.  Before the majority will give up their pride and patriotism and concede national sovereignty, Nostradamus warned we will see a massive, military, Islamic Invasion of Europe – and the front will extend to the middle of Germany, Belgium and northern France before it ends.

Read: Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe


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