March 12, 2025

No matter what end times prophecies you look at, Turkey is a key player in the next big war.  Gog & Magog are not in Russia, they are in Turkey.

Turkey is key

The seven churches mentioned in Revelation are in Turkey.  Pergammum, “where Satan’s throne is” – is in Turkey.  The last Islamic Caliphate, the Ottoman Empire, was based in Turkey.  The clues pointing to the biblical Antichrist seem to match Turkey’s dictator Erdogan: the number of the Turkish President’s name using English Gematria equals 666:

This is not just a coincidence, as there are no other current world leaders that have their given names equal 666.

Even Nostradamus repeatedly mentions Turkey leading an alliance of Islamic nations against the Christian West when the 27 year war he describes (2001-2028?) between the two religions eventually progresses into WWIII.

Pastor Steve Cioccolanti reviews many of the reasons to focus on Turkey when we think of WWIII and look to prophecy for clues – and plenty of new clues have emerged since this video was made that point to Turkey again!

Read:  Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe


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