March 12, 2025

The Socialist Liberal media is throwing everything but the kitchen sink against Donald Trump, with constant talk of allegedly improper ties to Russia or other reasons why Trump should be impeached.


If we take America’s political system seriously and even bother to believe that there are two rival political parties, then it would be obvious that the Democrats are willing to do anything, any immoral or illegal method is justified to knock Humpty Trumpty off his wall and hope he can’t pick up the pieces.  Maybe it will someday become a full-blown leftist putsch as described in this awesome article.  All for the sake of destroying and communizing what little remains of functioning, productive, middle class America.

If we don’t bother to take the US political parties seriously, and we accept that both are so deeply in bed with the corporate/banking elite that the two parties are merely two sides of the same filthy, infected coin… then all the distracting nonsense in the media is just that – a distraction from real events we should be paying attention to.

Unfortunately, speculation as to WHICH world events truly require our attention becomes conspiracy theory because of the absence of verifiable facts.  Do we most need to worry about greed and corruption fomenting economic collapse?  North Korea or Syria leading us into WWIII?  Evidence of ancient destroyed civilizations under the ice in Antarctica?  Aliens on the moon?  Known methods for reestablishing the direct link between our spirit and the rest of the conscious universe?  So much disinformation is put out to deligitimize interesting topics that most people are discouraged from making the effort to investigate anything.


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