March 12, 2025


For the first time in almost 40 years, the Russian radio signal known as UVB-76 issued its first clear command order on Jan. 24, 2013.

What does this coded Russian military order mean?  Who was the intended recipient?


The mysterious radio signal occupying 4625 kHz has been broadcasting since at least 1976. The earliest known recording of it is from 1982. Ever since its existence became known to the public after shortwave radio operators first discovered the mysterious signal, it has been broadcasting a repeating noise; mostly beeping until 1992, then mostly buzzing – usually between 21 and 34 times per minute – ever since. Day after day, year after year, it repeats 1.25 seconds of buzzing, then 1.85 seconds of silence.  Every few years, the buzzer would stop for a moment and a Russian voice read off a mix of numbers and Russian names.

A common format for a voice transmission looks like [Callsign] 58 151 [Codeword] 39 51 65 78.  One of these rare messages came on Christmas Eve, 1997:

“Ya UVB-76, Ya UVB-76. 180 08 BROMAL 74 27 99 14. Boris, Roman, Olga, Mikhail, Anna, Larisa. 7 4 2 7 9 9 1 4”

This shortwave radio frequency seems to provide an easy way for the military (and KGB?) to send coded radio messages to its people.  I presume such messages are used as instructions.  The message in January 2013 was simple and brief.  Others followed.

You might expect to read that this radio station was most active during the peak of the Cold War.  But instead of tapering off after the fall of Soviet communism, UVB-76 became more active. Since the year 2000, voice messages have become increasingly frequent.  Activity soared to a new level after 2010 – but this might largely have happened because UVB-76 had previously only served the Moscow District, but it now serves the new and much larger Western Military District.  The most recent UVB-76 message I know of came a few hours after Crimea decided to join Russia: on March 18th, the voice message “T-E-R-R-A-K-O-T-A. Mikhail Dmitri Zhenya Boris. Mikhail Dmitri Zhenya Boris. 81 26 T-E-R-R-A-K-O-T-A” was broadcast.

It’s easy to dismiss the main signal as a pre-recorded, looping tone – perpetually buzzing on and off, 25 times a minute, hour after hour. But listeners quickly realized that UVB-76 is not just a recording. The buzzer noise is generated in real time; the telephone conversations and noises in the background are a result of the speaker placed a small distance from the microphone.  The buzzing noise is thought to be a deterrent to discourage anyone else from using the same frequency.

Though there is no official explanation for the signal, UVB-76’s purpose is mentioned in an academic paper published by the Borok Geophysical Observatory. This self-described “branch of the Federal state budgetary institution of science” explains that the signal is from an observatory using the 4625 kHz frequency to measure atmospheric changes in the ionosphere.

On June 5, 2010 – the signal mysteriously stopped.  It went on again for a few months as before, then stopped again, until August and September, when transmissions were repeatedly interrupted.  Since October 2010, the station has relocated – not on the radio dial – it has changed the physical location from which it is broadcast. Perhaps the increase in activity in 2010 was related to the move to a new location. A new call sign was given after the address change: MDZhB.  Previous efforts to locate the source using triangulation led to the discovery of the transmitter for UVB-76: a voyenni gorodok (a miniature military city) – the Russian military base just outside Povarovo, almost 20 miles from Moscow.

After broadcasts changed location, two groups of UVB-76 followers traveled to Povarovo to visit the bunker from which the signal had originated for 30 plus years. A local resident told them about a major storm one night in 2010.  The military base was evacuated under cover of dense fog within 90 minutes.  Abandoned equipment was scattered across the base; water had filled part of the maze-like bunker.  But some clues remained intact – and a book containing a log of messages (up to 2005) sent by UVB-76 was found there. They finally found confirmation that UVB-76 had been controlled by the Soviet and then Russian military.

The same signal is still used today.  The occasional coded voice message is still sent out from the new location, and countless listeners are tuned in on their radios and online every day.  A file at offers a download that allows followers to listen to UVB-76 in iTunes.  Devotees study and archive the broadcasts of UVB-76, and updated triangulation attempts have been made to determine the new location of the signal. But unlike the original signal, UVB-76 now emanates from multiple Russian transmitters.

One site describes the main transmission location as being near the Russian-Estonian border in the Pskov Oblast.  (Multiple triangulation attempts have lead to this location.)  The article for UVB-76 at says: “At least two transmitter sites exist. One is confirmed to be at 60°18’40.1″N 30°16’40.5″E where It sends radio relay and phone lines directly from Moscow via St. Petersburg’s command hub (the 60th Communication Hub, known as “Vulcan”) on Palace Square.

The other site is claimed to be located at Naro-Fominsk, Moscow district at 55°25’35″N 36°42’33″E where the 69th communications center is located at the main staff headquarters of the Western Military district in Moscow.  UVB-76 appears to be a Russian military communication system for the Western Military District. The coded messages are announcements for various military units, [and quite probably agents overseas as well] enabling a simple means of communicating with multiple recipients at the same time.

* Why have I never heard of this before on the conspiracy theory shows or articles I’ve seen?  Is it a hoax?

No, UVB-76 exists.  Wikipedia describes it as “UVB-76, also known as ‘The Buzzer’, is the nickname given by radio listeners to a shortwave radio station that broadcasts on the frequency 4625 kHz. It broadcasts a short, monotonous buzz tone, repeating at a rate of approximately 25 tones per minute, for 24 hours per day. On very rare occasions, the buzzer signal is interrupted and a voice transmission in Russian takes place. The first reports were made of a station on this frequency in 1982. Its origins have been traced to Russia, and although several theories with varying degrees of plausibility exist, its actual purpose has never been officially confirmed and remains a source of speculation.”


So now that we understand a little more about this 40 year Russian radio broadcast, we must ask – why did it issue its first clear COMMAND on January 24, 2013?


* We are now leaving the source material on this topic which (aside from the last Wikipedia quote) largely comes from an article at The Daily Dot:

My first thoughts on this may have nothing to do with reality, but you’ll understand why my mind took me here in a moment:


If the embedded video doesn’t work, CLICK LINK TO VIDEO HERE

If it isn’t clear what was said in this 2012 clip, in which Obama did not realize the microphone was still on, he responded to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s request and said: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”  The only interpretation I (or thousands of other viewers have) is that Obama is agreeing to do something the Russians want him to do, but is suggesting that it has to wait after he is re-elected (November 2012) to do whatever unpopular thing it may be – which requires the greater flexibility of not having to worry about risking losing the election over it.  Russian President Medvedev replies: “I understand.  I transmit this information to Vladimir” (Putin.)

The inauguration starting Barack Obama’s second term as president was January 20, 2013.  That week, the Russian command, the first and only clear command given by radio on UVB-76 in 35 years of continuous broadcasting, was:


Could the “1” and the “35” mean it was the 1st command of the 35th year of these broadcasts?  “Komanda” is clearly “Command.”  The first word means nothing as spelled (in Russian) and Google Translate interprets it as possibly Turkish (still no meaning.)  So assuming it is in code or a combination of abbreviations, could the OB refer to anyone who just got more flexibility in his second term?  Wikipedia also tells us that in 2010, there was a brief conversation broadcast in which a female voice said: “got the control call from Nadezhda OK.”  “Nadezhda” in Russian means “Hope.”  Anyone come to mind that might get nicknamed “Hope”?  Could it be Mr. Hope and Change?  Could there really be a Manchurian Candidate in office?  And if he is, what is he doing that might be so anti-American that it could have cost him the election if he had done it earlier?  Something that will still make Vladimir Putin happy later?

Maybe such wild speculation on Obama is completely off base.  Unless Obama somehow gets appointed as Secretary General of the United Nations soon, any speculation of him having a far worse historical role than his presidency already created seems to be about over, as my last book: Antichrist 2016-2019 suggested: he either does something major by 2016 or he (obviously) is not the top candidate for the Antichrist.  If anyone took a huge step towards dictatorship at the prophetically key time in mid 2016 and has the potential to lead a religion against Christianity – it is Turkey’s President Erdogan.  Watch him if you are concerned with who might prove to be the Antichrist.

And if you aren’t concerned with that, but the future role of Islam in Europe does worry you, maybe you’d be more interested in what the French prophet Nostradamus had to say about the early 21st century; if so, consider:

Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe

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