March 12, 2025

British Socialists, like all other European Socialists, seem hell-bent on denying the truth about the Islamic threat and flushing Europe down the toilet.  The rich elite stand to gain from fomenting a third world war in Europe and the Middle East, and the complacent, apathetic, and lazy Europeans will slowly open themselves to Islamic conquest soon.


From one recent article soon after an Islamic terrorist killed over 20 people in Manchester:

“The Labour mayor of Greater Manchester has claimed the suicide bomber who killed 22 was not a Muslim, insisting the “worst thing that can happen” is people blaming Muslims.

Andy Burnham, a former Labour frontbencher who was elected mayor this month, insisted the attack, claimed by Islamic State, had nothing to do with Islam.

“The message that I would want to get over – and this is how the vast majority of people feel – this man was a terrorist, not a Muslim,” he said, speaking to LBC Radio.

“He does not represent the Muslim community. We’ve got to keep that distinction in mind all the time. This was an unspeakable act. The worst thing that can happen is that people use this to blame an entire community, the Muslim community.

“In my view, the man who committed this atrocity no more represents the Muslim community than the individual who murdered my friend Jo Cox represents the white, Christian community.”

Similarly, following the Westminster knife and car attack, Prime Minister Theresa May said the “Islamist” attack on Parliament was not “Islamic”.

From Robert Ellis’ recent article on Turkey in Frontpage Magazine:

“Turkey has plans to build 174 new prisons to accommodate the thousands who have been purged since [the fake coup staged by then President, now Dictator Erdogan] last July. At the beginning of April Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu said that 113,260 had been detained and 47,155 had been arrested, including over 10,000 police officers, 7,631 from the military and 2,575 judges and prosecutors. These numbers have since increased, not to forget the 231 journalists who have been arrested. In addition, over 140,000 have been dismissed from public employment, so that they and their families are now ‘non-persons’ in the new Turkey.”

Nostradamus clearly warns us: Turkey will be a key leader in the Islamic alliance in WWIII.  Erdogan is a top contender for the leader that may soon be known as the Islamic Antichrist.

In France, Rothschild Bank’s lapdog Emmanuel Macron won the recent presidential election (just as Nostradamus described – with France neglecting to protect itself from the Islamic threat and not electing Marine Le Pen.)  As one article (at the warsclerotic blog) says:

“A deliberate side-effect of Macron’s policies will be population change. Like many European leaders, Emmanuel Macron seems convinced that the remedy for the demographic deficit and the aging of ethnic European populations is more immigration. On September 6, 2015, he stated that “immigration is an opportunity for all of us”. On February 12, 2017, he said, “I will propose to the Algerian government the creation of a Franco-Algerian Bureau of Youth, to encourage mobility between the two shores of the Mediterranean”. A few weeks later, he declared that “the duty of Europe is to offer asylum to all those who seek its protection” and that “France must take its fair share of refugees”.

Almost all refugees arriving in France are Muslims. France already has the greatest percentage of Muslims in Europe. Macron wants Islam to have more room in France. His position concerning other religions is not known. His position on Islam is clear:

“Today, Muslims of France are poorly treated … Tomorrow, a new structure will make it possible to relaunch the work sites of the Muslim religion in France: the construction and the improvement of worthy places of worship will take place where their presence is necessary, and the training of imams of France will be organized.”

The French branch of the Muslim Brotherhood congratulated Macron on on his victory. It published an official communiqué saying: ‘Muslims think that the new President of the Republic will allow the reconciliation of France with itself and will allow us to go farther, together.'”

Nostradamus warns that the armies of many Islamic nations are about to go farther together, united in a military invasion of Europe in the early 21st century.  The 27 year war Nostradamus describes (probably 2001-2028) could easily reach the point where we all call it WWIII by 2019.  Read:

Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe





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