February 5, 2025

“Francis Crick called it “the astonishing hypothesis”–the idea that our thoughts, sensations, joys and aches consist entirely of physiological activity in the tissues of the brain. Consciousness does not reside in an ethereal soul that uses the brain like a PDA; consciousness is the activity of the brain.” (Steven Pinker, “The Brain: The Mystery of Consciousness” Time Magazine, January 29, 2007)

Mainstream science tells us the brain is the creator of consciousness.  But many scientists (like Dr. Gary Schwartz, professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry and surgery at the University of Arizona – see video below discussing whether consciousness is the product of the brain or a receiver of it?) now conclude the “postmaterialist” view that consciousness creates material, physical forms – not the other way around.  The brain may be more of a receiver than a creator.  A television does not create the shows we watch.

No one seems to know for certain.  But the debate has huge ramifications.  If consciousness arises from brain function (and ceases when brain function ends) then there is no free will, no soul, no afterlife, and all religions are wrong.  If consciousness exists outside the brain and helped create the brain as a temporary receiver for itself, then our spirit is multidimensional and exists forever before and after our body and brain live and die.

I am leaning towards the idea that the seat of consciousness is not physically located in the brain.  This is one of many topics I am researching as I work on my next book:

Transformational Awakening

below originally from Swetha M at https://source413.wordpress.com/2015/10/29/consciousness/

CONSCIOUSNESS creates FORMS and not vice versa. We imagine consciousness to be a product of our physical brain that comes into the picture after our birth. But that isn’t the case. Consciousness created the physical body we now adorn and all the forms we have taken prior to this existence and the ones we’ll take after!  Yes, what I am, in fact, suggesting is that we have lived countless other existences before this and we will continue to do so until we have achieved our spiritual goals. And now a fun fact: The knowledge of these existences is within us even if we are consciously not aware of it!

Below is a fantastic video from Dr. Gary Schwartz, professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry and surgery at the University of Arizona discussing whether consciousness is the product of the brain or a receiver of it? Now this is just a brief overview of an intensive study, carried out by various scientists also which was extensively peer reviewed, as going through the entire material is almost impossible.”

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-6hosFAObI]

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