February 5, 2025

Raising a Modern Day Knight: A Father’s Role in Guiding His Son to Authentic Manhood – by Robert Lewis

This is a wonderful book for any father hoping to raise his son to become a good man.  Robert Lewis uses the template of a medieval knightly code of conduct to guide fathers through what it means to be a man and through what they can do to instill the most important values in their sons.  He focuses on valuing truth and honesty, accepting responsibility, and eventually not being passive in the face of evil, and leading courageously.

Knights stand up for the rights of others.  They respect women and the elderly.  They have a noble cause helping others and they never succumb to selfish egoism – they have a strong sense of what GOD wants and they use that as their guide.

But how will young boys realize these noble virtues on their own?  In general they won’t – but it helps tremendously if their FATHERS give them attention, affirmation, and discipline – and a course of training not left up to chance or just following by example – but by following a plan that makes an impression on young minds.

As the author and editors put it:

What does it mean to be a man? Moreover, how do you as a father instill that reality in your son? By Raising a Modern-Day Knight.

The medieval custom of knighthood offers a unique approach to shaping a boy into a strong, godly man. Centuries ago, select boys went through a rigorous, years-long process of clearly defined objectives, goals, and ceremonies—with the hope of achieving knighthood. Along the way, they acquired a boldly masculine vision, an uncompromising code of conduct, and a noble cause in which to invest their lives. They were the heroes of their age.

In much the same way, Raising a Modern-Day Knight will show how you, too, can confidently guide your son to the kind of authentic, biblical manhood that can change out world. Complete with ceremony ideas to celebrate accomplishments and ingrain them in the mind of a knight-in-training, this resource is as insightful as it is practical in raising a boy to be a chivalrous, godly man.

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