March 9, 2025


By now everyone knows that a week ago in Charlotte NC a police officer fatally shot Keith Lamont Scott.  Because Scott is black, the event had the full attention and resources of the Black Lives Matter group and was built up to become a media circus despite the fact that the officer who shot him was also black; that police video shows Scott refusing to listen to police, shows him holding something and pointing it at police (unclear but possibly a gun) and that police claim he had a gun and that there were drugs in the vehicle.  The video shows police officers yelling at Scott at least 10 times to “Drop the gun!” before shooting him.  It is also known now that Scott suffered a serious brain injury in a motorcycle crash last year – and this fact also leads us to question if he was capable of the same rational behavior he would have had before the brain injury.  Perhaps, just maybe, he wasn’t acting cooperative – and the police stopped him for a reason, and he had a gun in his hand and wouldn’t put it down as the police claim.  Hardly a clear case of injustice.

But that hasn’t stopped hundreds of mostly out of state protesters from disrupting the city for days.  “In the first two nights of rioting, the mob injured a dozen cops, beat white people, smashed and looted stores, blocked traffic, shut down interstate highways, got one person shot and killed, and forced the call-up of state troopers and National Guard to rescue an embattled Charlotte police force… We have seen Charlotte before. It was a rerun of Ferguson, Baltimore and Manhattan, after mobs in those cities concluded that innocent black men had been deliberately killed by ‘racist white cops.’” (Newsmax)  Protesters overwhelmed the Charlotte City Council meeting Monday evening, yelling “No justice, no peace” and demanding resignations of Mayor Roberts and Police Chief Putney.

But the back story I hear is that Charlotte is another false flag, another psyop, another practice run for handling the imposition of martial law right after the November 2016 elections.  I hear that one very professional group is used to build up an event (in this case, Charlotte unrest) to the point of rioting and a media circus, and that now another highly trained group of professionals will start to de-escalate, calm down and control the situation.  If Charlotte looks peaceful by Friday I will assume my source of information knows what he’s talking about.

But that will mean I have to take the rest of what he says seriously, that you can kiss the last vestiges of American democracy goodbye just after the election in November.


Trucks already can’t go anywhere near Charlotte for a while to supply the area’s stores.  They aren’t allowed near such problems.  Imagine ten thousand such banned locations across America.  Just from a trucking perspective, the country would soon run out of food, gas, and basic supplies, increasing tension over a nation already incited to rioting allegedly over unpopular election results/obvious fraud.  Imagine that Obama then declares martial law “for a little while” to get things under control – and then has little reason to put things back to normal and leave office in January.

I’m not about to reveal all the details of what I have heard, but I will say that the rich and powerful have already taken expensive precautions to make sure they will be safe from the results of planned events in November.

I really wish I wasn’t hearing such things.  I don’t thrive on doom.  I would love to quietly transition over to more spiritual topics and focus on the book I’m currently writing (I expect to call it “Transformational Awakening”) but I keep being drawn back to information on the coming collapse of 2016 that fits so well with the conclusions of my previous books

If you aren’t 100% prepared to stay home through an extended period of social unrest, there is a fantastic article you should read and heed: Lessons From Ferguson: Preparing For Civil Unrest and Martial Law

Time will tell soon enough if such warnings need to be taken seriously.  In two days maybe Charlotte will be all calmed down.  And in six weeks America has a historically divisive election.  The question is, what will America have left in seven weeks?


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