March 9, 2025


Author Marcial Ferreira passionately pleads with listeners to consider the signs of Bible prophecy unfolding around us and points out that his book, my book, Thomas Horn’s book, Jonathan Cahn’s book, and others warn of similar events in 2016.  Your pastors won’t tell you what you don’t want to hear because you’ll stop coming in to listen and give money.  Marcial Ferreira doesn’t want your money, he just wants to spread a warning.

Is Marcial filled with Holy Spirit?  He has given up everything to spread the warning he believes is true.  If you take the Bible seriously, is there any reason to ignore the 30% of it that is prophecy?  Just looking at Syria, US elections, and the economy – what do you expect by the end of 2016?  Do you remember last December, when Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II said: “I hope you enjoy your final Christmas“?  What events are planned for 2016?  Just pick up your Bible, or the interpretations in books like mine linked above, or listen:






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