March 9, 2025

Thank you warsclerotic blog and DEBKA: “As part of Iran’s drive to rule the strategic waves of regional waters, Tehran has negotiated a naval exchange deal with Rome for its warships to be berthed in Italian ports, DEBKAfile’s military sources reveal…. Iran’s Navy commander, Rear-Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, went into action to carry out supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s orders to acquire naval bases in Syria and Italy for establishing a permanent Iranian fleet presence in the Mediterranean.”



Nostradamus prophecies are coming true – in this case, quatrain 3:90 about an Iranian admiral who is given oceanic gifts that bring his fleet from southern Iran to the coasts of western Italy and southern France. If Nostradamus should be taken seriously, expect an Islamic invasion of Europe (armies, not just immigrants) as described in my first book. If Bible prophecy can be taken seriously, expect all hell to break loose soon, with economic collapse and world war this year as described in  End Times and 2019, and  Antichrist 2016-2019

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