March 12, 2025

Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson says: Jews are Like Termites

By Pamela Geller on July 26, 2016

Source: Democrat Congressman: Jews are Like Termites | Pamela Geller

Hank Johnson, who has previously gotten my attention for suggestion that the island of Guam could capsize if we build too many settlements on it, (and if midgets could defeat a giant in a cage fight) recently lashed out about Jewish settlements on land disputed by Israelis and Palestinians, comparing Jews building settlements in Judea and Samaria to termites undermining the foundation of Palestinian towns…

Of course Johnson’s history must start long after David and Solomon and Jesus because he never mentions the Jewish people’s historical claim to the land, only that of more recent Arab Palestinians.  I guess we’re all entitled to our opinions on when history started, and what military victory or conquest or land seizure is legitimate or not.  But why compare a people or nation to termites, especially if they are allies of the nation you are supposed to represent.  Maybe because the Democratic Party better represents foreign followers of a certain religion over others…



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