March 12, 2025

From the recent Jim Willie article of the same name above:

The Gold price will find its true value and price over $10,000 per ounce. The Silver price will find its true value and price over $300 per ounce. In reaching these levels, the ratio will return to the 30-1 range.
The ruling bankers realize no remedy is possible.
They are just trying to steal as many assets and accumulate as much gold as possible before the main bust event.

LONG STORY SHORT: Financial collapse is long overdue and coming to America soon.  And if you think the collapse of the dollar and a new financial system far less advantageous to Americans can come without collapse of the American Dream and massive social unrest and martial law and dictatorship – well, let’s hope history doesn’t follow the traditional course of collapsing empires but it usually does.

Jim Willie continues:

“If and when the global contract reform is completed, all bilateral contracts will be shifted into Gold settlement, no longer USD settlement. The result will be the USGovt is then made free to launch a domestic-only new USDollar, called disrespectfully the New Scheiss Dollar by the Jacksass for the last two years. It will resemble a Third World currency, and be subjected to a sequence of devaluations. A $500 billion trade deficit will require several years to overcome. If reduced by 50% in five or six years, it will be a miracle. The $1 trillion federal deficit has a different solution in mind. The USGovt plans to commandeer pension funds, forcing investment in the Special USTreasury Bond. It will not be a confiscation, but rather forced conversion with all the disadvantages of currency devaluation that come.



In time, expect an eventual refusal by Eastern producing nations to accept USTreasury Bills in payment for trade. The IMF reversal decision assures this USTBill blockade in time, and might accelerate the timetable. The United States Govt cannot continue on five glaring fronts of gross negligence and major violations. These violations have prompted the BRICS & Alliance nations to hasten their development of diverse non-USD platforms toward the goal of displacing the USDollar while at the same time take steps toward the return of the Gold Standard. The violations are:

1) to import finished goods and crude commodities, paying with IOU coupons

2) to commit multi-$trillion bond fraud in its big banks, done without legal prosecution

3) to do QE bond purchases in applied hyper monetary inflation, monetizing debt

4) to rig all major financial markets in favor of the primal USDollar

5) to engage in numerous regional wars to support the USDollar.


The New Scheiss Dollar will arrive in order to assure continued import supply to the USEconomy. It will be given a 30% devaluation out of the gate, then many more devaluations of similar variety. The New Dollar will fail all foreign and Eastern scrutiny. The USGovt will be forced to react to USTBill rejection at the ports. The US must accommodate with the New Scheiss Dollar in order to assure import supply, and to alleviate the many stalemates to come. The United States finds itself on the slippery slope that leads to the Third World, a Jackass forecast that has been presented since Lehman fell (better described as killed by JPM and GSax). The only apparent alternative is for the United States Govt to lease a large amount of gold bullion (like 10,000 tons) from China in order to properly launch a gold-backed currency. Doing so would open the gates for a generation of commercial colonization, but actual progress in returning capitalism to the United States. The cost would be supply shortages to the USEconomy, a result of enormous export increases to China.


The colonization has already begun, with secret deals galore. It is very unclear what deals are being struck in order to arrange for the USGovt to have a proper gold reserve hoard, for backing a new legitimate USDollar. Meetings at very high level are in progress, with little if any popular representation, only elite members present. Failure to produce a legitimate bonafide gold-backed currency would mean the United States must proceed with the New Scheiss Dollar, an illegitimate fake phony farce of a currency. It would be subjected to a series of devaluations. The result would be heavy powerful painful price inflation from the import front. The effect would be to reverse a generation of exported inflation by the United States. The entire USEconomy would go into a downward spiral with higher prices, supply shortages, and social disorder. However, the rising prices would come from the currency crisis, and not so much from the hyper monetary inflation. That flood of $trillions has been effectively firewalled off.


As Ron Paul has stated, one cannot blame capitalism for the current failure, since we have had almost none! He can take credit for the independent audit conducted on the US Federal Reserve itself in 2009. From the audit, it was learned that $23 trillion in near zero cost loans were granted to the USFed owners, by the banker cabal to itself. The US population remains largely asleep and steeped in ignorance on the entire financial crime scenes. They must prepare with reduced paper wealth held as assets, and more Gold & Silver bars & coins held instead as assets. The reckoning has begun.


The Gold price will find its true value and price over $10,000 per ounce. The Silver price will find its true value and price over $300 per ounce. In reaching these levels, the ratio will return to the 30-1 range. Several steps have been laid out by the Hat Trick Letter toward the return of proper price to precious metals. The major upcoming events will be exciting to watch unfold, one after the other, in an inevitable sequence away from fascism and concentrated uni-polar power, with a strong movement toward freedom and equitable systems with distributed power. The steps will each involve a quantum jump in the Gold & Silver prices. The process will take a few years, but might be breath-taking in speed once the process is begun.”

Read even more at the full original article linked at the top


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