March 14, 2025

I hope I’m wrong about the identity of the Antichrist being clearly revealed to the entire world on June 6, 2016.  My analysis of end times Bible prophecy clearly points to this date; and there is a short list of contenders for the roles of the Antichrist and the False Prophet.  Some say ISIS leader Abu Bakr, or Prince William, or President Obama and Pope Francis.  I think more evidence points to the latter choices…

A week from now it will be Tuesday, June 7.  My analysis of end times Bible prophecy – my most likely timeline of events – my overall interpretation and theory as presented in my last book: Antichrist 2016-2019 – will either have been proven right or wrong.

Best case scenario – the first week of June 2016 is uneventful, my interpretation proves to be just a giant pile of coincidences – a textbook example of circumstantial evidence for use by theologians teaching (not that I believe this:) that you can’t know or calculate the dates and timing of end times events.  My book sales will plummet and my “career” of writing end times prophecy books will be over.  But I sleep at night knowing I wrote what I believed was likely true – and thank God I was wrong.

Worst case scenario – I am completely right.  A week from now, New York and the world financial system are destroyed. I find myself living in a post-crisis police state, as an enemy of the state in an America turned Mystery Babylon under martial law run by the Antichrist.  My books and articles will be erased from the internet by a government utterly dominated by evil.  I won’t be able to sleep at all, knowing I am likely to be arrested in the middle of the night and disappear under trumped up false charges and am never seen again.

Hopefully, I’m wrong and/or just not that important in the grand scheme of things.

I don’t consider myself a prophet, but some people have called me one.  I know another sort-of-a-prophet who wrote to me a few days ago saying:


Goebbels Enemy of the State

I believe the Great Tribulation, the final three and a half years, may start next week.  Right or wrong, don’t sell your soul in desperation to fill your starving belly or spare your suffering child.  Don’t accept the mark.  Don’t deny Jesus Christ.  We will all be held accountable someday.  No one wants to suffer greatly here on Earth before that judgment happens – but try to focus on eternity.  We are not bodies with souls.  We are souls temporarily in bodies.  Always do the right thing.

God Bless.

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