March 9, 2025

First off, this is now old news, and I had missed it in March when it happened.

Second, it doesn’t mean that my timing for the possible appearance of the Two Witnesses of Revelation is correct, as their arrival in Jerusalem fits my timeline VERY soon.

But it may be noteworthy, as this article states:

“Prophecy Alert as 2 witnesses appear in the Old City of Jerusalem before the Sanhedrin to declare the 1st day of the 1st month and this is the first time in 2000 years.”

The Sanhedrin are the top cadre of Jewish rabbis.  Thousands of years ago, 72 of them met to settle matters of Jewish law at the Temple.  Since the destruction of the Second Temple in the year 70, they had not met until the 21st century in preparation for a Third Temple.  On March 10, 2016 – the first day of the first month (of the Babylonian style calendar that begins in the spring – not to be confused with the more widely known Jewish calendar that starts with Rosh Hashanah around late September)

… on March 10 Two Witnesses appeared before the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem to OFFICIALLY announce the start of the month.  The calendar has been running on astronomical calculations for 2000 years, but the act of witnesses officially recognizing the position of the moon (recognizing God’s command and divine ORDER) is a first in modern times.

More significant to me – the priestly Kohanim, in full regalia, made a SACRIFICE on an ALTAR of the temple by burning grain as an offering to God.

If you are interested in end times Bible prophecy, let that sink in.  Jewish priests made a SACRIFICE on an ALTAR of the TEMPLE in JERUSALEM in the presence of TWO WITNESSES for the first time in thousands of years.


In my books I have argued that for my timeline to be fully correct, the Antichrist must be able to intervene and stop such Jewish temple sacrifices in Jerusalem on June 6, 2016 – which means they must have started before that – and that The Two Witnesses of Revelation should appear prior to that – ideally, beginning their ministry April 29 at the end of Passover.

This does not prove that my timeline is correct.  I could still be wrong.  But with such a short time to go, events keep falling into place in a way that my interpretation and timeline could still be on target.  Keep your eyes on Jerusalem – the fulfillment of end times Bible prophecy is imminent.

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