March 9, 2025

I did an article several weeks ago about the Illuminati recreating the Arch of the Temple of Baal in Palmyra Syria – and their plans to erect copies in New York and London during Passover, when my timeline suggests that The Two Witnesses of Revelation should be made known.

I do NOT think that these pagan temple artifacts are the two witnesses – if anything I think they symbolize evil – but the arch’s appearance at THIS PARTICULAR TIME and Obama’s plans to visit it seems sinister and ominous, especially with my timeline for the fulfillment of end times Bible prophecy in mind.  Some people claim Obama has a ritual activity planned at the arch (unlikely anyone would know, if he did, wouldn’t it be secretive?)

The arch already erected in London is lit up bright red, and the same arch will have a replica in Times Square in New York soon.  On Friday April 22- April 29, the very Passover I have suggested that the Two Witnesses could begin their ministry in Jerusalem, the United Nations meets in New York to discuss (among other things) two issues about dividing the land of Israel – when Obama is expected to push the UN to resolve to create an independent (Arab) nation of Palestine in 2016 – by force of arms against Israel if necessary.
Pay attention – end times Bible prophecy could unfold in front of your eyes THIS SPRING!

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