January 15, 2025

Pope Kisses Muslims Feet

On one hand, the Pope kissing Muslims’ feet can be viewed as a sign of peace and friendship.  But it can also be viewed as submission to the new dominant religion of the world, and of Europe.  Do these Muslims look like they are about to kiss the Pope’s feet soon, in a sign of MUTUAL respect?  I doubt it.


Muslims who study their Qu’ran know that their forebears conquered Constantinople, renamed it Istanbul, and conquered the eastern/Greek half of the Roman Empire for Islam as commanded to do in the Qu’ran.  Rome, the capital of the Western/Latin portion of the Roman Empire, still remains the main symbol of Islam’s failure to subdue the entire world (so far.)  Devout Muslims know the symbolic importance of conquering Rome.  ISIS propaganda still describes doing so.  Immigration (Liberal Europe’s chosen form of national suicide, on top of debt and socialism) seems to be handing Europe over to Islam.

For more commentary, read this article at Bare Naked Islam

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