October 6, 2024

On Easter Sunday, I was interviewed by John Baptist on the Tribulation Now! show on blogtalk radio to discuss my recent books, especially Antichrist 2016-2019 and End Times and 2019.  We discussed my timeline for the final 3.5 years of Great Tribulation from June 2016 to December 2019 and the evidence that led me to such conclusions.


Tribulation Now

John’s show is three hours long, but the interview with me is just under an hour and a half.  For my portion, you could start listening around 1:35-1:36 into the show.  Please ignore the echo effect he has on my voice for the first few sentences – he fixes that fast.  I review some of the things that first got my attention with Mayan astronomy and mythology and how their symbolism parallels Bible prophecy.  I review the many prophecies and signs that point to very specific dates on my timeline for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, especially June 6 of this year.  I go over some of the evidence pointing to America and specifically New York City as the biblical end times’ “Mystery Babylon” which will be destroyed soon, and the evidence pointing to it’s leader as the “King of Babylon” – the Bible’s main nickname for the Antichrist.  A lot of evidence points to America, 2016, and Obama.  These were all topics John was already familiar with.  He was not as keen on the significance of an upcoming pole shift or the idea that the Third Secret of Fatima might point to one.

John seems focused on fallen angels, possibly in the form of aliens, and other demonic spirits inhabiting and influencing the Earth in huge numbers soon, potentially in June, when I suspect everything will go to hell suddenly.  John kept telling me that my timeline of events lines up almost perfectly with details he and other guests on his show have been receiving from dreams and visions going back not just a few years, but for decades.

You can find many of these guests and information on their dreams and visions about Obama, the end times, and floods and pole shifts here: http://www.tribulation-now.org/2015-2016-rapture-timeline/

One of the previous guests, Dr. Patricia Green, was on the show in 2015 discussing some of her end times dreams and visions, which can be found in full here: http://www.thecallofthebride.com/patricia-green-interview

She describes a conversation with the Lord: “He said, “My children will need wisdom to survive this tribulation.  Food will be scarce, but my children will be prepared for the famine.”  He said, “I’m instructing my children to begin to fill up their storehouses before the famine strikes just as I instructed Joseph while he was in Egypt.”

He (God) said it would be wise to begin storing provisions.”

John and I discussed that idea – material preparations – and debated whether it is possible to stock up or band together or relocate to a place of safety, to “escape these things” as the Book of Luke suggests – or if we are merely expected to have faith in our salvation.  To hear more on these topics and others covered in my books, listen to the interview.

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