March 7, 2025

“This truth is not lost on anyone noting Obama’s radical record and the efforts his regime have made in the last 7 years restricting and harming inalienable rights.

The reason there is such fear among so many Americans over the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, is the very real threat that we now face under the color of law upon what remains of our liberties.

Gun Rights Would Not Survive an Obama-appointment to the Supreme Court

By now, you have no doubt heard that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away on Saturday.

His pro-gun leadership on the Court will be sorely missed.

But we are now in the fight for our lives, as President Obama will try to nominate a replacement to change the balance of the Court.

When ABC’s George Stephanopoulos quizzed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz over Scalia’s replacement, the Senator suggested that our Second Amendment rights are “hanging in the balance.”

Cruz is right.

No one should fail to understand what is at stake in Barack Obama’s scramble to appoint the “swing vote” on the Supreme Court.

If Obama appoints a replacement for Justice Antonin Scalia, the reconstituted court will declare the Second Amendment dead.


Those of us who are constitutionalists know that Obama and the Court can’t really obliterate the 2nd Amendment.  The Constitution trumps any unlawful action to the contrary.

But a change in the Court — with the anti-gun decisions that follow — will give the “green light” for all kinds of gun registration and gun bans, resulting in a chilling effect on the exercise of our gun rights.

read more at the full original source article:

Obama SCOTUS Appointment Will Neuter Gun Rights

Remember where this all leads: dictatorship, quite possibly starting in 2016 under Obama


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