“The NWO Pope, Pope Francis, who stated World War III has already begun, made another chilling comment when in early December he stated: “While the world starves, burns and descends further into chaos, we should realize that this year’s Christmas celebrations, for those who choose to celebrate, IT MAY BE THEIR LAST. By this time next year the world will likely be UNRECOGNIZABLE.”
“…Global financial collapse will be forthcoming along with the destruction of the Petrodollar and the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency. The “death of the dollar” has been talked about for many years but will be finally realized. Don’t get duped into believing that the “2015 Shemitah” was suppose to be the final doomsday for the dollar. Don’t worry, the dollar’s funeral is coming as is the ONE WORLD CURRENCY, ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and ONE WORLD RELIGION.”
– read more here: http://beforeitsnews.com/self-sufficiency/2016/01/warning-the-new-world-order-plans-for-2016-2017-your-life-is-about-to-change-part-1-2-2499828.html