March 14, 2025

Underground Man Cave Bunker.jpg

“This is a video of Colin Furze giving an MTV Cribs style tour of the impressive underground apocalypse bunker man cave he built for himself after excavating his backyard. It has everything — a secret entrance, television, drum set, couch, bed, food, sink, toilet — you name it. I am pretty jealous right now. I would love to have a place to be able to get away from it all. I don’t know that I’d ever leave, and they would never find my body.

Keep going for the video tour, as well as a 4-part series documenting the entire build.”

The original article with details and links to many videos


What prepper wouldn’t want an underground bunker of food and water supplies with a trapdoor and remote control machine guns?

Maybe you’ll NEED them if TSHTF soon as I suggest in my books.

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