March 14, 2025

From the article at

“On the heels of the Chinese stock market plunging 5.5%, continued turmoil in the Middle East and the price of gold hitting 5 year lows, former U.S. Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts told Eric King of King World News that Putin and the Russians are now dominating in Syria and the Middle East as the West destroys itself.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:  “It could well be that this is going to work out so much in Russia’s favor that Putin will send a letter of thanks to the Turkish President and say, ‘Thank you very much.  You’ve done us a huge favor. (Laughter).  We lost a pilot and a naval marine but we sure have gained a lot.  That was only two deaths for winning a war.”…


“So that looks to me like the most likely outcome.  The unintended consequence of this are so positive for Russia that it’s got Washington quaking and Europe wondering about the idiocy of being in NATO.”


Eric King:  “What I’m hearing from you Russia is dominating in Syria.  The Russians have completely taken over and there’s really nothing Washington can do.”


Paul Craig Roberts:  “No, except make a fool of itself by supporting ISIS.  We brought ISIS in there (to Syria) — everybody knows that.  Just the other day the former head the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency said on television that ‘Yes, we created ISIS and we used them as henchmen to overthrow governments.’ (Laughter).


And the polls in Europe show that the people are on Russia’s side regarding the shooting down of their aircraft.  They don’t believe (the West’s) story at all.  So I think what you are seeing here is the arrogance, hubris, and stupidity of the United States government.  They are just handing every possible advantage over to the Russians.


This American government is the most incompetent government that has ever walked the earth.  Those people don’t have any sense at all.  Just look at what they’ve done.  In 14 years they’ve destroyed 7 countries, killed millions of people, and displaced millions of people.  And where are those displaced people?  They are overrunning Europe.


This is all because those Europeans were stupid enough to enable our wars.  Now the political parties in Europe are under tremendous pressure from these refugees and the populations who object to them, and from the rising dissident parties who are saying, ‘Look at what these people who you trusted have done.  They’ve changed your country.  It’s not Germany anymore — it’s Syria.’ (Laughter).


This is a disaster.  Only the stupid Americans could have produced such a disaster.  Does Putin need to do anything?  We’re doing it all for him.  So he doesn’t need to do anything.  He’s not going to attack anybody.  What does he need to attack anybody for?  The idiot Americans are destroying themselves and their allies.  This is an amazing fiasco.”


And if Obama wanted to reduce American power and influence (as Dinesh D’Souza has explained in his books) or foster the collapse of the West and the spread of Islam, what could be done any better than he is already doing?  Those goals are being achieved masterfully, while people believe he is incompetent instead of understanding the genius of it!

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