February 5, 2025

This original article: Satire(?) | Obama declares Islamophobia a felony hate crime

makes some excellent points about Islamophobia.  I have said the same thing before, it shouldn’t even be a word, because it implies that fear of Islam is an irrational, unjustified fear.  I think the word “Islamophobia” should be like “cancerphobia,” “murderphobia,” and other non-existent words for non-irrational fears.

The recent attacks in Paris are just one more example that there is something to fear, and it stems from taking the Qu’ran literally.  Muslims are told to conquer and kill Jews, Christians, and all other infidels (non-Muslims.)  In the West, we can pretend this doesn’t threaten our existence because we seem to have the upper hand militarily.  Will that always be the case?  Look at the demographics of Europe and ask when those countries will have a Muslim majority.  That might take 50 years… but an alliance between Russia, China, and the Islamic world against America could happen tomorrow.

I wonder how many liberals will feel the cold steel blade of an Islamic sword against their neck before one finally realizes it might not just be a few bad apples from a religion of peace…

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