January 26, 2025

June 30, 2015 – NOT the Sign of the Antichrist

Some people are writing articles claiming that today there is a heavenly sign of the Antichrist in the sky.

I disagree.

Today, the brightest planets – Venus and Jupiter – will appear fairly close to each other, and they will do so near the star Regulus.  All three of these heavenly bodies have symbolic meaning – Venus is the “Morningstar” associated with Lucifer and the Antichrist; Jupiter is the “King of Planets” and Regulus is the “King of Stars” and the “Heart of Leo.”  Being “close together” must have symbolic meaning, right?  This is the kind of “sign” that Bible prophets wrote about, right?  We should have end times events in mind for today, right?

I would argue that astronomical near misses do not count for very much as they do in horseshoes and hand grenades.

Exact conjunctions do matter, when a planet “occults” another planet or star by passing DIRECTLY in front of it.  Of course, the idea that any of this actually matters may just sound like silly astrology/superstition – but my argument assumes that Bible prophets had legitimate visions of future events during the end times, and that they described how the night skies appeared in some of their visions.

The last important and highly symbolic occultation was on July 7, 1959.  This was the last time ANY planet occulted ANY star, and it just happened to be Venus occulting Regulus.  This is exactly the type of astronomical sign I would expect to mark something like the conception of the Antichrist.  For what it’s worth, here is an excerpt from:

Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate

“In May 2014, an online article: ‘Kenyan Authorities Release Obama Birth Records; Born 1960’ claimed Israeli and Kenyan sources say that ‘The Office of the Principal Register of the Nyanza Province, in Kenya, has finally released 11 exclusive documents concerning Barack Obama’s alleged birth and early childhood in the country… These files, if they turn out to be verifiable, could mean that Mr. Obama had no legal right to become the American president under the country’s law. The papers released today suggest that Barack Obama was actually born on March 7, 1960, in Lamu, Kenya.’  Just a rumor, I suppose.”

1 – There is another occultation coming on June 6, 2016 – the Sun (symbolic of Christ) is occulting Venus (directly opposite, or “anti-“ the position of the Sun.)

2 – It will occur between the horns of Taurus, as depicted in ancient Egyptian texts as a sign of Hathor’s destruction of mankind.

3 – It occurs on a 6/6/6 type date befitting the Antichrist – the sixth day of the sixth month of a year ending in six.

4 – Forty years ago, when Peter Lemesurier wrote “The Great Pyramid Decoded” he noted that the angle of the shafts in the Great Pyramid at Giza point to Jerusalem/Bethlehem – He noted that a line drawn from Giza at this angle goes to Bethlehem and Jerusalem and that the angle could “be taken to refer to some kind of anti-Messiah” and “clearly has both an astronomical and a chronological significance… [it] marks the bearing of the summer sunrise… specifically, that of sunrise on 6th June… it is possible that the sunrise bearing marked at some date the exact rising of Venus… the datings for this event might well prove to be significant.”

5 – It will occur 42 months into my timeline for the final seven years of the world as we know it as detailed in End Times and 2019.

6 – It is exactly one 49 year jubilee after the Israeli Army recaptured East Jerusalem the night of June 6-7, 1967 – restoring Jewish rule over the Temple Mount.

7 – It is the first day of the Islamic holiday of Ramadan

I’m not holding my breath about the “alignment” for June 30, 2015.  But I do expect June 6, 2016 to be a very bad day, the date on which the identity of the Antichrist is revealed and fully understood by the entire world – as described in greater detail in:

Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate

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