February 23, 2025

When I saw the title of this morning’s new article (FULL ARTICLE WITH MAP IMAGE HERE)

I had hoped there was a new discovery – but the article refers to maps that have been known for quite some time.  The article talks about one map but shows another which is just as interesting.  Both focus on maps of Antarctica made long before the continent was discovered by our current civilization in 1818.

I commented on their site:

Ancient maps like the Piri Reis map definitely reveal that an ancient civilization mapped the whole world. Sub-glacial details in Antarctica suggest that it was mapped before the ice sheet covered western Antarctica – before the last pole shift.

But the map image in the article above is the Oronteus Finnaeus map of 1532, not the Piri Reis map of 1513.

When O.F. studied the ancient source map for the Antarctic portion he was unable to translate the lost language, and he misunderstood the the 80th degree of latitude (smaller) for the Antarctic Circle (larger) on the ancient map for which is why O.F. drew Antarctica much larger than it should be. For more info on such topics read Charles Hapgood’s Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings – www.amazon.com/Maps-Ancient-Sea-Kings-Civilization/dp/0932813429
and my own End Times and 2019. http://www.amazon.com/End-Times-2019-Calendar-Countdown/dp/1935487922

You could also read my recent article on pole shifts at http://www.fatemag.com/the-truth-about-pole-shifts/

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