February 23, 2025


“Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah Friday, Jan. 30 tried dictating terms for peace. The war would go on, he said, unless Israel relinquishes its resolve to eliminate his organization’s and an Iranian presence on Syrian soil.” (DEBKA)

Of course, Israel has nothing to gain by allowing Iran to develop nuclear weapons or station troops on Israel’s border in Syria.

Obama, on the other hand, could be looking for an Iranian solution to his lack of a presidential legacy.  Though I suspect history will not continue on a peaceful and normal track such that generations from now, anyone will wonder what President Obama’s main accomplishments were – the argument made under the guise of normalcy bias is that Obama is looking for a foreign policy success to boast about.

He has failed to improve the economy.  He has failed to keep the peace in Europe.  He failed to take the Arab Spring to a democratic conclusion.  He has failed at the goal of creating an independent Palestinian nation.  But he might, if he concedes 100% to all of Iran’s terms, still be able to forge an agreement to ineffectively and temporarily hold back Iran’s nuclear program.  It will look good on paper, and it will barely slow Iran down – allowing them to develop nukes anyway – but on someone else’s watch.

Netanyahu has no intention of allowing Iran to destroy Israel, or even to dominate the Middle East.  Obama’s legacy dreams be damned.  So Israel’s concerns will be presented to America’s Congress, and may involve the understanding that if America won’t take tough enough measures, there will be a war between Israel and Iran soon.

Bear with me here.  I know the following ideas may sound very, very unlikely now.  But

Because of the conclusions I’ve drawn from analyzing biblical prophecies – I suspect that a significant number of U.S. troops – perhaps tens of thousands – may end up stationed in Israel as a promise and a deterrent.  Such an offer may be made to Israel to hold the Israelis back from attacking Iran, under the premise that after stationing such forces, an attack on Israel would be viewed as an attack on the United States.  In a sane world, a small nation fearing attack from its neighbors should welcome US troops, and warlike neighbors should not want to risk war with the United States.

Obama would also gain another shot at a greater legacy – with US troops in Israel, he could apply more direct pressure towards an independent Palestinian state.  I suspect as a bargaining chip, Obama might get the Arabs to allow the construction of a new Jewish Temple – which Netanyahu (and Obama) and the Israeli people seem to support.  Because as crazy as it may sound, if the American leader just happened to be the Antichrist – then US troops already in Israel could (however unlikely it may sound today) be used to seize control of Israel from within – and someone could walk into that new Temple – which would fulfill prophecy.

The following touchy subject might come into play:

Most Americans don’t know the truth about the U.S.S. Liberty.  In the Six Day War in 1967, LBJ and the Israeli high command conspired together in an attempted false flag event.  The American naval personnel on the Liberty were to be sacrificed and killed, by Israeli forces, with the intention to blame the attack on Egypt and bring America directly into the war on Israel’s side.  Israeli pilots who broke radio silence to inform their command that the ship was American were told to maintain silence and that they would be court-martialed if they did not follow orders to proceed with the attack.  The Russians were able to film the whole thing, the false flag attempt to blame Egypt was ruined, a lot of hush money was paid, and a lot of American sailors were dead – for nothing.  The story has been buried in almost total secrecy for over forty years – though a few people have described Israel’s role in the attack over the years, almost no one knew the White House had sanctioned the attack or understood why they covered up the attack in secrecy until very recently.

Because the American public is still almost completely unaware of the details – I would not be surprised to see a skewed version of events publicized in 2015 or 2016 in which White House approval of the attack is not mentioned.  If the current White House decided to publicly blame Israel for the Liberty attack, or if Russian footage of the Israeli attack were “leaked” to the public, what effect would that have on US troops stationed in Israel?  Could it lead to a betrayal of Israel?  Merely withdrawing American protection suddenly after allowing Iran to get nukes and station troops in Syria would be bad enough.  What if the American president wanted to be at war with Israel, and take it over from within?  You can engineer almost any situation to trigger hostilities when you already have troops stationed in the country you want to pick a fight with.

I know, it seems very unlikely today.  But I think it is a realistic possibility – one that will become infinitely more likely if US troops are stationed in Israel “for their protection.”  Will Netanyahu protect Jerusalem?  Will Iran nuke it?  Will Palestinians share it?  Will the Antichrist enter a new Temple in it?  Time will tell.

Read – Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate


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