February 23, 2025

Maybe I’m over-reacting.  The story is fictional.  I usually like good old dystopian sci-fi.  This one is set in a post global-warming-ruined world where only 500 million people are left and the narrator whines:

“Before the seismic shocks of the great upheavals, people’s movements were unfettered, and they could breathe unfiltered air, roam in the woods or simply watch their kids play soccer outdoors. Today, the unprotected strips of land exposed to the elements are forbidden zones, plagued by drenching rains with howling 100-mile-an-hour winds, alternating with fierce dust storms, the deadly soil tsunamis that rumble up from the deserts that blanket what used to be the United States. When there is a break in the wild weather, the scorching sun relentlessly cooks the atmosphere to temperatures of 180 degrees or more by midday, making it impossible to step outside without body armour and oxygen tanks.”

Full story at http://aeon.co/magazine/society/welcome-to-earth-population-500-million/

Perhaps it wouldn’t phase me if I hadn’t recently read this:

“Fiddling temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever,” says Christopher Booker, not pulling his punches. And I think he’s right not to do so. If – as Booker, myself, and few others suspect – the guardians of the world’s land-based temperature records have been adjusting the raw data in order to exaggerate “global warming” then this is indeed a crime against the scientific method unparalleled in history…. If the temperature records on which the entire edifice of the international global warming industry is based are a busted flush then we have all been victims of a scam so vast and all-encompassing it makes Enron look like a model of modesty and integrity.”  Full article HERE

Not only can we not trust governments in their analysis of the data – we can’t even trust them with the RAW DATA.  Because they are discovering a new way to tax us and redistribute wealth.  False data leads to bad science but good revenues from carbon taxes.

I still say solar cycles have way more impact on climate than we do, at least for now.  If the Magdelanian cave art found in caves well below sea level are any indication, rising sea levels were a much bigger problem 20-30 thousand years ago than they are today.  But maybe all my thoughts are wrong, and the sci-fi story’s tagline could be right: “Climate change has done its worst, and now just 500 million humans remain on lifeboats in the north. How do they survive?”

I better pay my carbon taxes…

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