March 9, 2025

I am told that US forces are already fighting Russian troops in Ukraine.  But the Russians seem more worried about economic sanctions and being excluded from the SWIFT system of international payments.  (See full article HERE)

The article’s writer says:

“Threatening an unlimited response is remarkable. In war – and this is a war, by the way – responses are generally expected to be proportionate. Disproportionate responses are obviously frowned upon and, for whatever it’s worth, against international law. As a result, unlimited responses are generally restricted to situations where the threat at hand is viewed as an existential threat.

This is important. If unlimited responses are reserved for existential threats, then this means Russia is saying something very surprising. In particular, if Russia is threatening an unlimited response to a potential SWIFT ban, then they’re suggesting that this ban would be a threat to Russia’s very survival as a country.

Why is this so surprising?

As we all know, the dollar is dying. The U.S., to prop it up, is waging wars everywhere. And currently, Russia is in its cross-hairs. This is why the U.S. has been doing everything in its power – including sanctions, economic warfare, and covert operations in Ukraine – to provoke Putin to make some stupid move so that he can be blamed for the hot phase of World War 3.

How has Putin been responding to these provocations? Wisely. He has been buying gold, dropping the dollar, and patiently waiting for the U.S. to collapse under the weight of its own problems – something bound to happen fairly soon.

This Doesn’t Make Sense

Given Putin’s strategy for handling U.S. provocations, there’s one that wouldn’t make any sense to do. In particular, it makes no sense for Putin or his government to announce that they have a weak spot that will force them to make the stupid move they’ve been actively avoiding.

That would be like announcing that your quarterback has a bum left knee. You’re just begging the opponent to hit it.

But that is precisely what Putin’s government appears to have just done. When Medvedev threatened an unlimited response to a SWIFT ban, he basically told the U.S. that they can get the war they want with a simple sanction. The move appears so stupid that it demands an explanation.

What is Really Going On?

So, what’s really behind this threat? There are at least three possible explanations, and none of them inspire confidence.

  1. One possibility is that Putin realizes that the U.S. has found their weak spot, and they’re coming after it soon. As a result, he had no other option but to make this threat, perhaps hoping that the prospect of nuclear war will stop this from happening.
  2. A second possibility is that Russia has finally screwed up. They’ve had enough, and they’ve departed from their plan. Instead of sitting back and watching the West escalate the war in the Ukraine, impose additional sanctions, etc., they’ve drawn a line in the sand – a line, no doubt, they know the West will cross.
  3. A third possibility is that Russia is actually in on the conspiracy, and Medvedev’s threat is all part of the show. This is just an international version of the battle between ‘Republicans’ and ‘Democrats’ – a big theatrical production designed to make people believe something that isn’t true. In this case, they want us to believe that sovereign countries and the lack of a global government are the reason World War 3 will happen. Once the war is over, the bankers who control both sides plan to step in and establish their New World Order – a global, fascist government.”

I think a fourth possibility exists: Putin intends to drop the dollar and when the dollar system finally implodes and western economies plunge into chaos – this move allows him to deflect blame back to the USA. In effect, Russia is saying: “You are excluding Russia from the dollar system of trade – which forced us to establish a new one – if your own system collapses because other nations start using a new a better system – you brought it on yourselves.” This may not successfully put the blame where it belongs (greedy banking leaders in New York and London) in US media.  In America, Russia, China, and others leaving the dollar will be portrayed as CAUSING the next great depression (when really, the Federal Reserve’s abuse of the ability to create money from nothing has been taken to new heights.)  But these recent statements will document the chain of events for Canada, Europe, and the rest of the world who will need to understand what happened and why and what method of trade and what type of currency they need to use in the future (not dollars.)  It is so shameful that American leaders (elected and not) had to abuse American privileges so badly that the country will probably lose everything.

I suspect the collapse of western economies is inevitable and cannot be delayed much longer than another 6-10 months. What I expect after that is horrific. Read Antichrist 2016-2019

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