March 9, 2025

We have recently seen major moves in the price of gold, oil (MAJOR), and the stock market.  The Swiss gave up trying to artificially peg their better currency to the less desirable Euro (MAJOR).  One writer tells us:

“My insider sources inform me that the same thing is happening in various federal organizations by  those who have recently retired from the CIA, DHS, NSA and FEMA. This fact is indisputable. I have firsthand knowledge of four ex-fed officials and their families who have relocated to safety enclaves when doing so was very disruptive to their respective family’s lives. Increasingly, it is looking like some major event(s) is/are coming and persons with insider information are attempting to remove themselves from harm’s way.

When government officials, from the various alphabet soup agencies, retire en masse, it is not necessarily a noteworthy event. However, when the same officials retire en masse and then relocate to form their own survivalist enclaves, then this is something that we should all sit up and take notice of, especially when we are seeing the same behavior on the part of Wall Street executives.”

Gerald Celeste is ONE OF THE PEOPLE that article is talking about. He is one of the brightest minds in all of finance saying, and he is already saying “IT HAS BEGUN…” So, not knowing what, when, or how fast things may or may not unwind, who’s to say when I take some advice given by a fellow blogger some time ago:

“Some of my very best contacts have told me that it is time to stop warning the people, because it is now time to start hiding from the wrong people.” 

See full article HERE

Is this just the same old line from perpetual doom and gloomers who have been feeding us similar warnings for years?

Jim Willie constantly says the dollar system and world economy will collapse soon due to greed and corruption and systemic abuse…. that Gold will soar and the dollar will collapse with hyperinflation… Most recently he comments in this video interview that Germany is leaving the Western/American bloc and will reestablish itself in a new more Eastern currency bloc.  He says Germany led the Swiss currency move because they know the dollar’s death is imminent and that China, Russia, Brazil, India, Iran, etc have more of a financial future…  Jim Willie left America (for a small Central American nation) years ago… and in his own words, has largely been repeating a similar message (with updates based on new info) for years.

So how will we know when collapse is truly imminent?  How will the little guys, the average citizens, really know if those in power have retreated to their safely bunkers in expectation of imminent collapse?

There will be clear financial signs – but none will give you a clear, exact date.  I argue that Bible prophecy does.

Read End Times and 2019.  Read Antichrist 2016-2019.

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