January 8, 2025

Full interview (audio only) HERE

“System Wide Breakdown Now Evident in Oil Price breakdown / US Dollar breakup
Eurozone Breakup (Greece may be allowed to exit EU to be followed later by Germany)
China / BRICS currencies fast replacing USD in Trade Settlements
2015: The Year when Economic Reality hits like a ton of bricks”

Jim Willie does sound somewhat like Chicken Little constantly calling for collapse, but he is a brilliant analyst and he does understand geopolitics and economics and what he describes generally happens 6-18 months later.

I believe he is right that “the dollar is dying” and that a great economic collapse is overdue in America.  Collapsing oil prices may create a short-term bonus to our pockets now, but 68% of American oil rigs have been taken off line in the last few weeks because at these low prices they are not profitable.  Our oil industry is in free-fall!  Systemic financial abuse will soon cause systemic financial collapse.  Be prepared for far worse than the Great Depression.  If you are considering moving away from cities or getting right with God the time may be short.

Read – Antichrist 2016-2019

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