January 8, 2025

This is what Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel effectively said on Monday January 12.  “’Islam is part of Germany,’ said Mrs. Merkel on Monday. ‘I am the chancellor of all Germans.’” (BBC – http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30777841)  Because if Europe accepts millions more Muslim immigrants, the demagraphic trend shows that native Europeans will simply be outbred and outvoted.  Chancellor Merkel supported German Muslims in response to the terrorist attacks in France and Germany and the growing numbers of native Germans showing up at anti-Islamization rallies throughout Germany, organized by P.E.G.I.D.A. – the German acronym, which in English, stands for Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West.  The group’s members hope to defend European civilization from the changes that come with absorbing millions of Muslim immigrants.  Germany has over three million people from Turkey alone (“the number of German residents with origins in Turkey was approximately 2,998,000” in 2005, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turks_in_Germany and the number has surely increased in the last ten years.)

Britain has a slightly higher percentage of Muslims, with approximately a million Britons from Pakistan alone, and far more from other former British colonies in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.  If the trend continues, (“Between 2001 and 2009 the Muslim population increased almost 10 times faster than the non-Muslim population” – 30 January 2009, Richard Kerbaj, The Sunday Times) “new census data published by the British government showed that Islam is set to become the dominant religion in Britain within the next generation.” (article HERE – http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4112/islamization-britain)  The same article discusses a series of videos: “In January [2013] Muslim gangs were filmed loitering on streets in London and demanding that passersby conform to Islamic Sharia law. In a series of videos, the self-proclaimed vigilantes—who call themselves Muslim London Patrol—are seen abusing non-Muslim pedestrians and repeatedly shouting “this is a Muslim area.”  One video records the men shouting: “Allah is the greatest! Islam is here, whether you like it or not. We are here! We are here! What we need is Islam! What we need is Sharia!”  The video continues: “We are the Muslim Patrol. We are in north London, we are in south London, in east London and west London. We command good and forbid evil. Islam is here in London. [Prime Minister] David Cameron, Mr. Police Officer, whether you like it or not, we will command good and forbid evil. You will never get us. You can go to hell! This is not a Christian country. To hell with Christianity. Isa [Jesus] was a messenger of Allah. Muslim Patrol will never die. Allah is great! Allah is great! We are coming!”

“France has one of the highest Muslim populations in Europe, with close to 6 million, or about 10% of the population.  [Most] come from its former colonies across North Africa [and the Middle East.]” (USA Today – http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2015/01/10/paris-terror-attacks-suburbs-muslim-community/21549639/)  There are “hundreds of French ‘no-go’ zones  — neighborhoods where neither tourists nor cops dare enter – [where] poor and alienated Muslims have intimidated the government into largely ceding authority over them.”  (FOX – http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/01/12/paris-attacks-prompt-fears-france-muslim-no-go-zones-incubating-jihad/) 751 such areas have been officially designated ZUS “zones urbaines sensibles” (sensitive urban zones) where French police and other native authorities have given up and Muslims effectively rule themselves.

PEGIDA has organized many rallies in Germany, with 18,000 people in Dresden a week ago and 30,000 in Leipzig more recently in the wake of the Paris terror attacks.  Recent events in Paris, primarily the Islamic terrorists’ murder of a dozen people at the offices of Charlie Hebdo – and in Germany – where “Arsonists attack office of German newspaper [Hamburg Morgenpost] that [re-]printed Charlie Hebdo cartoons” (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2905172/Arsonists-attack-office-German-newspaper-printed-Charlie-Hebdo-cartoons.html) are increasing the awareness that many Muslim immigrants are not assimilating, they are radicalizing.

European leaders, determined to form multinational organizations – their hands tied by the liberal and global mindset of their voters, and by memories of the horrors of past nationalism and the Holocaust, are generally too liberal and politically correct to acknowledge that massive immigration from very different cultures can present a problem to European natives who value their culture and laws as they have been.  In multicultural Europe, the biggest threat no longer comes from Soviet Communism, it comes from Islamic Literalists – not extremists – just Literalists – those who take Islam’s central message about jihad against non-believers seriously.  Unlike Communism, which was viewed as a menace and efforts were made to defend against it  – there is no fight against the threat from Islamic Literalists in modern, liberal, multicultural, everything-is-equally-valid-so-there-are-no-values-of-our-own-to-defend Europe (or America.)

Muslims have been welcomed into Germany and other European nations by the millions.  Is Germany getting close to a breaking point at which peaceful assimilation is no longer a believable outcome?  Is Europe as a whole reaching such a breaking point?  Chancellor Merkel would say no.  Obama would remind us that “Islam is a religion of peace.”  But what about the British who don’t want Sharia Law in London?  What about the French who live near the “no-go” zones officially deemed beyond France’s authority?  What about the growing number of Germans supporting PEGIDA?  Native Europeans who realize their national laws and culture may be voted away within a generation are starting to realize that time is not on their side.  We have to wonder, if Islamic Literalists become more bold in their efforts to spread Islam to Europe, will the average European remain apathetic and allow Islamization?  If economic depression or war or more severe terrorism rear their ugly heads and more “right-wing” Europeans begin to express their concerns in the press, on the streets, and at the voting booth – then this is not a situation which will calm down or fade away.

Muslims will either be accepted as the dominant force in Europe or there will be a crisis.  Even the Muslim mayor of Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, understands this.  Mayor Abouataleb was born in Morocco, but he understands the crisis.  On Monday January 12, he said to extremist/literalist Muslims:  “It is incomprehensible that you can turn against freedom… But if you don’t like freedom, for heaven’s sake pack your bags and leave.  There may be a place in the world where you can be yourself, be honest with yourself and do not go and kill innocent journalists. And if you do not like it here because humorists you do not like make a newspaper, may I then say you can f*** off.  This is stupid, this so incomprehensible. Vanish from the Netherlands if you cannot find your place here.” (article HERE – http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/01/12/muslim-mayor-of-rotterdam-tells-islamists-to-f-off-on-live-television/)

If fellow Muslims want those who use violence to bring Sharia to Europe want them to “f**k off” and “vanish” from the country, imagine how many native Europeans feel.


Listen to Putin’s comments from a speech at 2014’s Valdai Club: “Another serious challenge to Russia’s identity is linked to events taking place in the world. Here there are both foreign policy and moral aspects. We can see how many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually rejecting their roots, including the Christian values that constitute the basis of Western civilization. They are denying moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious….”

In a speech in 2012 Putin said “”We must create the conditions for immigrants to normally integrate into our society, learn Russian and, of course, respect our culture and traditions and abide by Russian law. In this regard, I believe that the decision to make learning the Russian language compulsory and administer exams is well grounded.” (article HERE)  Russia will not become a multicultural melting pot with a large Muslim community that fails to assimilate.

This hardly sounds like the communists I grew up hearing about, promoting the replacement of religion with universal communism.  My generation was never taught that Russians might have a spiritual side; we were only taught about their rejection of God and religion and how they were going to nuke us someday so we better practice duck and cover drills to hide under our desks from the inevitable nuclear destruction….  Never in my life did I ever think I would see the following quote in Pravda (the once upon a time leading Communist propaganda newspaper) “There is no longer a real powerful conservative in the West the liberals fear. In the East there is someone that causes the western liberal’s maniacal laughter to stop.  Vladimir Putin.  He has real world power, which causes the liberal media to fearfully ignore or warp his image.  Like a good Christian King he leads a nation to Christ.” (from “US threatened by Russia’s Christianity” – http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/01-07-2013/124992-russia_christianity-0/)

The world is always changing.  America was founded on Christianity; now we have a president who defends Islam and tells us “America is no longer a Christian nation.”  Russia, which had been under the thumb of godless communists, now has Vladimir Putin wearing a cross and building churches, while the former communist propaganda newspaper – PRAVDA – has numerous articles promoting Christianity and the message of Jesus Christ.  Situated between these superpowers which appear to be reversing their ideological roles sits Europe, where in some places “the Muslim population increased almost 10 times faster than the non-Muslim population.”

All my research on prophecy tells me the biggest crisis in history is imminent.

— contributed by David Montaigne, author of –

End Times and 2019 – which reviews the evidence pointing to the end of the world as we know it in December 2019

Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama, and the Islamic Caliphate – which reviews the evidence (mostly from Bible prophecy) that the identity of the Antichrist will be clearly revealed to the world in June 2016


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