March 9, 2025

Full article by William Lafferty on Freedom Outpost HERE.  Condensed version below.

“Our Republican form of government consists of a public who directs its elected representatives how to vote on any and all issues.  These representatives enact laws reflecting the views of the people they represent.  If our representatives did not represent the views of their constituents, no one would hesitate to demand their removal.

But what the public’s direction to its representatives are depends on what the public understands about any given issue.  And what it understands is a function what the public’s representatives tell it about issues currently before the government.

When the people’s representatives lie about any pending matter, the entire system of government breaks down, for without information that is true and correct, there can be no meaningful exchange between the public and lawmakers. And when lawmakers mislead the public, they are no longer representing the people, for any direction given to lawmakers based on false information is no direction at all.  In the absence of direction from the people, who do lawmakers represent?


When Obama promised that Obamacare would provide better coverage, insure 30 million people not formerly insured, allow everyone to keep his doctor and keep his insurance plan, and do all this at a cost savings, most people who were able to write their names knew this was a lie. MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, an Obamacare planner, stated publicly in several forums that the government orchestrated false information about the cost of Obamacare and the basic scheme in which the healthy employed were to pay for the health care of the unemployed. The lies, repeatedly insisted upon by the president and Democratic lawmakers, were effective, according to Gruber, because the administration regarded the public as too stupid to see they were being lied to.

So here we have a president who lies to the public, who considers the public too stupid to see that he is lying, and who pushes forward his agenda, his legislation, without opposition from lawmakers because the public, relying on the lies, has not instructed lawmakers to oppose Obamacare.  But that is not all. The Obamacare scheme affects nearly 20 percent of the largest economy in the world and the motivation for this dislocation of money based on lies was Obama’s socialist-communist belief system that seeks to “transfer the wealth.”

People are fond of saying that everyone lies.  The implication is that lying is not serious business.  Sometimes that is true, but when the lies are deliberate, systematic, sustained, and disruptive of an entire scheme of government, that is serious business.  Because Obama’s bad-faith conduct has brought our Republican form of government to its knees, because it has distorted at least 20% of the economy, and because this was done for ideological reasons, it is clear that the injury was politically catastrophic, economically disastrous, and oligarchical in nature.  It would be understatement to say that Obama should be removed from office and publicly shamed.

It may be legally incorrect to refer to Obama as a traitor, for it is a stretch to claim that he has aided and comforted enemies of the United States in time of war, but if “traitor” simply means “betrayer,” Obama is the Betrayer in Chief.”

I would add that “The Lie” and “The Man of Lawlessness” are primary names the Bible gives the Antichrist.

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