February 5, 2025

Most people probably already know some of the truths conveyed in this video explaining how no one used to give their bride to be a diamond engagement ring until the DeBeers Corporation’s highly successful advertising campaign promoting the “necessity.”

I thought for certain, early in the video, they were going to explain that originally (in ancient times, with a plain ring with no diamond) placing a ring on the woman was a sign of ownership.  I thought they would have mentioned the collusion/conspiracy with the Soviet Union (Russia has billions of small diamonds they could bring to market tomorrow) to keep supply artificially tight and prices artificially high.

In the rare event that a meteor or asteroid impacts into a carbon or graphite deposit, the intense pressure forms an insane amount of diamonds.  Russia is always in the news for meteors lighting up the sky, as recently as – yesterday.  It may have something to do with the magnetic anomaly near Lake Baikal – which may be our next North Pole after what I believe to be “the upcoming pole shift” that I expect in late 2019.  (Feel free to read End Times and 2019)  Pole shifts aside, a lot of meteors and asteroids crash into Siberia, like the Tunguska Blast in 1908.  Millions of years ago, one hit a big deposit of graphite in Russia, and as one article clarifies:

“Call it the Soviet Union’s most valuable cold war secret. This past weekend, Russia declassified the existence of what could very well be the richest diamond field in existence, located in the depths of a 62-mile diameter asteroid crater known as Popigai Astroblem in Siberia.

The diamonds found in the Popigai Astroblem are known as “impact diamonds.” They’re created when a meteor strikes a graphite deposit, as happened there an estimated 35 million years ago. Impact diamonds are significantly harder than normal diamonds, and are best suited for industrial or scientific use.

Given that diamonds can sell for $2,000 per karat with unusually large diamonds going for as much as $20 million, a discovery of “trillions of karats” could value this hole in the quadrillions of dollars.”

See original article if interested:

Russian asteroid crater revealed to be filled with over $1 quadrillion of diamonds

Of course this was kept secret as long as possible, and diamond mine owners will not be flooding the market with cheap diamonds to sabotage their own profits anytime soon.  They make more profits when people believe they are rare and valuable.

But despite leaving out some well-established facts I would have considered basic and central to their story – the link at the top goes to an entertaining and largely truthful video.

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