March 14, 2025

The Temple Institute is an Israeli organization focused on building the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, on or next to the Dome of the Rock Mosque.

One of it’s most prominent supporters, Yehuda Glick, was shot three times yesterday.  He had just finished a lecture called “Israel Returns to the Temple Mount” before being shot in the head, neck, and chest at close range.  I could understand the violence a little more if Glick was one of the more offensive activists calling for Jews to blow up the Dome of the Rock Mosque.  But he is a reasonable man who just wants Jews to have the same rights to worship on the Temple Mount in Israel’s capital that the Muslims already enjoy there.  He has been quoted saying: “I believe that the Temple Mount represents a place that has potential for being an international center for religious tolerance” and that he “spends most of every day preparing for the arrival of the Messiah in Israel.”

His assailant allegedly verified Yehuda’s identity in Hebrew but with an Arab accent, then shot him three times and sped away on a motorcycle.  The Israeli government has, in the last few hours, closed the Temple Mount to everyone and has ordered a thousand additional police to Jerusalem – which has already seen an upsurge in terrorism in recent days.  Palestinians celebrated the shooting by setting off fireworks.

None of this will affect the timetable for the construction of the upcoming Temple, which according to my research, must be in place no later than June 2016, when the Antichrist will enter it and his identity will be fully and convincingly revealed to the world.

If interested check  Antichrist 2016-2019

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