One of the biggest concerns with the “Islamic Antichrist Theory” is that a Muslim Antichrist would not have the support of Muslims if he claimed to BE God.
But this article (below, which I am reblogging) makes some good points. In Daniel 11:38-39 – the Antichrist honors the god of forces/fortresses – so there is at least one warlike god whom he does not put himself above – presumably, the theory assumes – Satan/Allah. Another point is that “proclaiming” himself to be God may be through the Antichrist’s actions, rather than clearly stating so. Even Jesus did not clearly utter the words “I am God,” He demonstrated through other actions in a way that made the people understand what He was getting at. Likewise, the coming Antichrist could fulfill prophecy and act as if being Allah’s representative places him above every other (false, at least to Muslims) god, including Yahweh/Jehovah/the God of Jews and Christians – whom the Antichrist will NOT honor.
I reblog this because I believe the Islamic Antichrist theory is correct and that he is coming soon. Already here, in fact, but not yet revealed such that everyone appreciates him for what he soon will be understood to be.
If interested, read Antichrist 2016-2019