March 14, 2025

original video here

Jim Willie has been telling us for years that the system will collapse, that the endgame is arriving, that hyperinflation is coming, that purchasing power fill wall, and gold and silver will rise – and it’s all true – but the US government sure is skilled at delaying the inevitable by militarily bullying the world into continued use of our dollars.

So Jim Willie sounds like he’s perpetually yelling “the sky is falling” and of course, so far, the world seems normal.  But he is making rational points and it will happen.  The Federal Reserve prints fraudulent money, robbing the American people and the world.  It has become so overdone it has led to international disgust with the system.  America could have maintained a reasonable advantage for decades longer, but the private bankers are too damn greedy and they want too much too fast.  Eventually, like a marriage partner who decides divorce is necessary no matter what the cost – major nations like China, Russia, Germany, Japan, and Saudi Arabia will agree to absorb the short term pain of disrupting the global system and create a new one that isn’t controlled and abused by New York and London.

US dollars will suddenly no longer be accepted by the rest of the world.

The inflation is already baked into the cake, even if China doesn’t decide unilaterally to, as JW says, “give western bankers a giant FU” by doubling and tripling the price of gold and silver overnight.  China, and precious metals will win, and as JW says (I love these quotes) it will be like China is shoving a red hot poker up the butts of the western bankers.

For an entertaining and informative take on international finance and geopolitics, listen to Jim Willie.

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