September 19, 2024

Book Front 9 22 14

I finally approved my second proof copies today… my newest book is officially available.

Bible prophecies describe the beginning, middle, and end of the final seven years of the world as we know it.  Dramatic events slowly increase in intensity for the first three and a half years until 2016, when the Antichrist takes the spotlight and the pace of events suddenly accelerates.  Author David Montaigne has discovered several clues pointing to one specific date in June 2016 – when the Antichrist will proclaim himself as Lord over the earth and demand our worship.  Once we understand the end times kingdom of “Mystery Babylon,” we know that whoever rules this kingdom in 2016 is the Bible’s “King of Babylon” – with a major role in end times events.  In End Times and 2019, Montaigne focuses on the end of the seven years – in December 2019.  Antichrist 2016-2019  is focused on WHEN the Antichrist is revealed, WHERE his home kingdom of Mystery Babylon is, and WHO will be revealed as the Antichrist.

I realize there are a few major developments that would have to take place in the Middle East, and in America, for my scenario to play out as described.  If I am wrong, America will continue on about the same as it is today, and President Obama will leave office uneventfully in January 2017.  But as Obama said at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in May 2014: “‘Everywhere I look there are reminders that I only hold this job temporarily. [Laughter]  But, it is a long time between now and 2016. And anything can happen.’”

see   for more info

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