surveillance – POLE SHIFT Flip your Perspective to the Facts. Sun, 28 Apr 2024 14:17:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 surveillance – POLE SHIFT 32 32 Globalist Psychopaths Hell-Bent on a New World Sun, 28 Apr 2024 14:17:42 +0000 A few months ago I saw an article on Zerohedge titled: “To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Psychopathic Religion.” Brandon Smith points out that globalists aren’t merely greedy, narcissistic haters who want to rid the world of a few billion “useless eaters” and rule the surviving peasant class with an iron-fisted surveillance state. Their thinking is a bit more complicated than that.

Now they do agree that humans have no inherent rights or freedoms. There is no free will and no reason to respect you or your thoughts and needs with outdated concepts like democracy or a United States. They believe there is no objective right and wrong, no good or evil, no God, no soul, no afterlife. The goal for them is to guide their own evolution beyond the traditional limits of being human, organizing their thoughts and improving themselves with technology to become like gods. You, however, are like cattle to them. And not independent cattle that can be conditioned and prodded into eating grass and producing milk. You are “hackable animals” and with technology’s help you will soon be hacked animals who (should you be allowed to live at all) will believe in their goals for humanity and will want to do the work they assign you. In this sense their thoughts are summed up pretty simply. And in case you think I’m exaggerating, before you read any further – watch these videos of the World Economic Forum’s globalist poster child Yuval Harari as he explains it:

As the statue of Lenin shown in the image above should remind us, there is nothing new about godless communists telling us they know best and struggling to impose their way of running the world over millions of our dead bodies should we not agree with them. There is nothing new about elites looking down on the peasants or leaders believing they have “the divine right of kings” or “the mandate of heaven” to rule. But there is something relatively new, only in modern history, about wanting to track and know your every thought in a very intrusive Orwellian surveillance state. There is something new about wanting to merge biology and computers through emerging technology like Elon Musk’s Neuralink. There is something new about globalist leaders wanting to be able to hack the human brain and control everyone’s thoughts. And there is something relatively new about wanting to eliminate most of the world’s population.

What brought this on?

Though the article cited earlier doesn’t mention the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche at all, I think the concepts he developed in the 1870s like “the ubermensch” and “the death of God” play a huge role. “The Übermensch (“beyond-human”) is someone who has ‘crossed over’ the bridge,” transcending above the social beliefs that traditionally guided society. In Nietzsche’s view, expressed in his 1883 book: Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None, Christianity is escapist fantasy, abandoning the idea of making the most of the real world and focusing all (delusional) hope on a spiritual heaven. The idea of escaping from this world also “required the invention of an immortal soul separate from the earthly body.” The ubermensch is supposed to realize that all rules, values and cultural norms – all pre-existing concepts of good and evil – are irrelevant, and that he is to use his own sense of judgment to define right and wrong. The death of God concept merely means that God never existed, but was a useful idea for a certain time in man’s development. That moment has passed; the concept of God is useless to the developing super-human. Nietzsche’s protagonist, a fictional version of the ancient Persian Zarathustra, has a vision in which there is “a shepherd choking on a black serpent which has crept into his throat. At Zarathustra’s urging, the shepherd bites the serpent’s head off and spits it out. In that moment, the shepherd is transformed into a laughing, radiant being, something greater than human.”

Is this the point at which the super-man overcomes conventional wisdom, symbolized by the serpent? Is the incident some kind of merger of Satan and Christ, with a black serpent crawling into a shepherd? All I know for certain is that “The Übermensch represents a shift from otherworldly Christian values…. [and] mindless acceptance of what a person has been taught, and what everyone else believes)…. Zarathustra proclaims the will of the Übermensch to give meaning to life on earth, and admonishes his audience to ignore those who promise other-worldly fulfillment to draw them away from the earth…. God can no longer provide values. Nietzsche refers to this crucial paradigm shift as a reevaluation of values…. Whereas Nietzsche diagnosed the Christian value system as a reaction against life and hence destructive in a sense, the new values that the Übermensch will be responsible for will be life-affirming and creative…. Through realizing this new set of values, the Übermensch is perfect because they have mastered all human obstacles…. Zarathustra first announces the Übermensch as a goal humanity can set for itself. All human life would be given meaning by how it advanced a new generation of human beings. The aspiration of a woman would be to give birth to an Übermensch, for example; her relationships with men would be judged by this standard.” ( I doubt Nazism would have been the same if Nietzsche’s ideas had not come first.

Back to Brandon Smith’s article: “In the late 1800s and early 1900s the western world experienced a sudden burst of open occultism among the ultra-rich elites. The rise of “Theosophy” was underway, becoming a kind of fashion trend that would ultimately set the stage for what would later be called “new age” spiritualism. The primary driver of the theosophical movement was a small group of obscure academics led in part by a woman named H.P. Blavatsky. The group was obsessed with esoteric belief, Gnosticism and even Satanism.

Blavatsky co-founded the Theosophical Society in New York in 1875, claiming that she had a psychic connection to beings called “the Mahatmas” or “the masters.” These creatures, she asserted, helped her write the foundational books of Theosophy, including ‘The Secret Doctrine.’

I bring up Theosophy and Blavatsky because the movement she helped launch was primarily an elitist one – The spread of occultism in the early 1900s specifically targeted the upper classes and this resulted in many political leaders and financial leaders being involved in obscure organizations with secretive mandates. Such groups have existed in the past, from the Rosicrucians and Freemasons to the alchemists of the Middle Ages who hid their occult beliefs in coded texts. However, never before had they been so public in their efforts.

To their credit, the early theosophists were mostly apolitical (at least outwardly) and they argued against political intrusion into people’s lives. I suspect, however, that this was because at the time western governments revolved around Christian and conservative values. As politicians became more separate from Christianity, the theosophist interest in controlling government grew and the movement became increasingly socialist in practice.

Invariably, these spiritual systems revolved around pagan deities of the past, many Babylonian or Ancient Egyptian in origin. That said, there are also numerous mentions in Theosophy of one figure in particular – Lucifer, also referred to as “the Light Bearer, the angel of light, Prometheus (symbolically), the dragon, the morning star and Satan.” Modern luciferians will consistently deny the the name “Lucifer” has anything to do with the biblical figure of Satan, but this is a lie. Blavatsky herself treats the two figures as synonymous in ‘The Secret Doctrine.’ As she admits in her book:

And now it stands proven that Satan, or the Red Fiery Dragon, the ‘Lord of Phosphorus,’ and Lucifer, or ‘Light-Bearer,’ is in us: it is our Mind…”

Blavatsky, quoting hermetic texts in the Secret Doctrine, also repeats the mantra:

It is Satan who is the god of our planet and the only god…”

….“WHO CARES?” It’s all mythical hoodoo and fantasy, right?

I would respond with a question:  Do you think the deeply held religious beliefs of the people with financial and political power matter in how they make decisions?  Wouldn’t their beliefs help explain why they do the things they do?  If you want to know why the globalists are engaged in a very real war on the minds of the masses, you cannot overlook their religious motivations. What seems like fantasy to some is VERY real to the globalists.

For example, many know that the United Nations building in New York has an occult library.  But few people know that it was built by a group called the Lucifer Publishing Company (later changed to Lucis Trust). Lucis Trust cites the writings of HP Blavatsky constantly as the inspiration for their organization. The UN continues to associate with Lucis Trust to this day. The very heart of globalism revolves around luciferian ideals.

It doesn’t matter what you or I think about these things. It doesn’t matter if you see such concepts as metaphorical, or symbolic or imaginary. THEY believe, and so we must explore what these beliefs mean.

Before the 1800s, occultists engaged in luciferianism would have been burned at the stake if discovered. I’m beginning to think that maybe this was the right way to handle such people all along. But to understand why, we have to look at the progression of the religion and why it inevitably leads to moral relativism and social self-destruction.

For the theosophists, Lucifer/Satan is a kind of heroic figure. When they argue that Lucifer is “not Satan,” what they mean is that their version of Satan is different from the version ascribed by Christianity. In other words, imagine a group of people took a famously malicious figure such as Joseph Stalin and then devised an entirely different history for him in which he is a misunderstood philanthropist instead of a genocidal maniac. That’s essentially what luciferianism is.”

….In their version of the Genesis story, for example, the serpent was the “good guy” bringing the fruit of knowledge to Adam and Eve. Eve is venerated as a root figure in theosophy and in feminism (a movement the theosophists helped to create), because without Eve the serpent would have never been able to get Adam to consume the fruit.

The fruit as a representation of gnosis (knowledge) is the key to luciferianism and the globalist cult. As many atheists I’ve encountered in the past have argued, isn’t knowledge a good thing? And if God is punishing humanity for consuming knowledge, does that not make him a villain? This argument ignores the underlying theme – Knowledge by itself is not good or evil, but evil thrives when people start to worship knowledge to the detriment of everything else. The application of knowledge without wisdom and moral discipline is dangerous.

As Dr. Ian Malcolm brilliantly asserts in the film Jurassic Park:

Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.”

Luciferians openly admit that the goal of their ideology is to pursue knowledge until human beings become gods. This infatuation with godhood is what leads to great evil; it is a delusion that poisons the mind and encourages morally relative behavior, not to mention a pervasive thirst for power.  Ponder the technological aspect for a moment. Consider the numerous globalist programs to expand artificial intelligence and bring about what they call “transhumanism.” This is a kind of knowledge worship that has terrifying implications for the future.

The integration of technology into the surveillance state to rule over society is bad enough, but what happens when human beings begin integrating technology into their very biology. Will this eventually erase any semblance of what we call “the soul?” After all, machines do not feel, nor do they self reflect on their actions. What happens when humans distort themselves to become more like machines? Will transhumanism become a movement that suffocates all love and empathy, removing moral compass and turning us into a demonic hive-mind devoid of individual thought?

….To grasp what luciferianism is, think of it as the anti-god; a war on nature, or a war on the natural state of humanity disguised as “enlightenment.” This is why globalists try to institute the extreme opposite view of every natural disposition.” [Is it because these people are among the very few who just lack the genetics for empathy?] Smith suggests this: “There is, however, a certain percentage of people (1% or less) that actually do not have these inborn character traits. They are generally known as psychopaths and sociopaths, and their behavior is very similar to that of the globalists. I have long held the theory that the globalist cabal is in fact a cult of higher functioning psychopaths.

Their lack of empathy and conscience, their thirst for godhood and omnipotence, their drive to attain all encompassing surveillance of the population, to know everything about us at all time, to have total control over the environment and society, the narcissistic self image of a supreme ruler who is worshiped by the masses, and the delusion that they will be able to read minds and predict the future. These are psychopathic fantasies, and they are willing to chase these fantasies by any means necessary…. Do the elites actually believe in a real “devil” with hooves and horns and a pitchfork? I don’t know. What matters, though, is the philosophical drive of their cultism. Their goal is to convince a majority of the populace that there is no good, and there is no evil. Everything is empty. Everything is relative to the demands of the moment, and the demands of society. Of course, they want to control society, so then everything would really be relative to THEIR demands.” [If you liked the excerpts above, consider reading Smith’s entire article.]

I love progress – in the right direction. I believe in free will and in the freedoms and rights generally summarized in documents like the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I think technology offers an amazing set of tools which can be used for good – or evil. I think the type of people drawn to positions of power are almost entirely evil – so I worry about the trends I see towards communism and globalism. Those in charge seem to believe we have no rights and that the ends justify the means. They have announced their goals for a 2030 Agenda so I don’t think there is much time before their boots are on our throats. I also wonder WHY NOW? Is it simply that technology finally allows what they want to impose? Is there some kind of periodic solar or global natural disaster due soon and they feel the need to exercise absolute control of the transition to the new world? What are your thoughts?

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